Do you like your legs?

>Leanne- I love your avatar!

Oh, Nancy, you're so sweet! I love YOURS! What a great photo of the women in your life!:)
I also have a love/ hate relationship w/ my legs. I have very muscular legs and I guess some of you will hate me, but very shapely calves. (I get comments on them a lot!) But... they are larger than I would like, sometimes I wish I had those skinny stick legs. But then I also know that my leg strength is what makes me a strong runner and biker and are going to power me through my triathlon this weekend!! ;-)

I think you're right... the grass is always greener....
I have a hard time
>accepting that because I DO work hard but I AM very thankful I
>am healthy and they do get me where I need to go. And to top
>this off...we delivered a handicap, accessible van yesterday
>to a gal who has MS and has to use hand-controls to drive
>because her legs no longer work for her. It really was a wake
>up call after I just got done whining that I need to be
>thankful for these stubby things I own!I bet this gal would
>give a fortune to have lumpy thighs that can get her around.
>Sooo, onward and upward I goooo. I will still continue to try
>to make them look better! :7

What a great reminder, Deb, that we do need to appreciate what we have in life!:)
I like that DH likes my legs, does that count?! He's always commenting on my calf muscles, which of course are a little too big IMO. However, he is in awe of them for some reason! Of all my body parts that he could calves?!?! I mean, c'mon, I don't get it...

Anywho, I have a love/hate relationship with them. And I know that it is mostly genetics that are keeping them from being the best they could be. Lord knows I do enough squats, leg extentions and lunges, they should be in tip-top shape by now!

But, I'm happy to have them no matter what they look like!:7
Melissa.... you and I are so similar! My dh loves my legs and butt too... ;-) I guess that's all that matters!!
LOL!! Yup, legs and butt here too, Jess!

Which is good since my boobs are disappearing! HAHAHA! Funny, but not funny at the same time..x(
I've always wished for less bulky and muscular legs, but I try not to focus on it too much. And like others I'm grateful for all that my strong legs allow me to do. I'm also grateful that along with my bulky legs comes really healthy and happy knees. So many people have knee problems and with all my years of exercising my knees have never bothered me once.

I probably wouldn't trade my legs for slender and beautiful legs if it meant giving up my strength and all the benefits that come with it. I haven't always felt this way, but I'm happy to say that I do now.
Mine aren't perfect but I have two so I'm extremly grateful. Their shape is strictly a reflection of what I eat (or not) and how hard I workout (or not). DH likes them and I don't mind them. My butt, OTOH, continues it's gravitational slide and will soon droop to my knees. I like to think that my butt's deficiencies in perkiness are offset by my sparkling wit, effervescent personality, sweet, kind gentle nature and abundant humility :p That, and I can always back out of the room ;)

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I am very grateful, especially reading everyone else post this, that I HAVE two legs that are able to carry me where I need to go. I have a niece who is wheelchair bound due to cerebral palsy, so it's a good hard slap to not take things for granted.

With that being said, I hate my legs from top to bottom. No matter how hard I work them, nothing budges. I have a bubble butt, thick thighs, ugly knees and unshapely calves. I still have yet to find what works for me and usually get bored before I find the magic.

I'm really trying to learn to love the body I'm in, and actually do like everything from my hips up. Except my boobs...that's another topic!
Hahaha, very funny! For some reason, the jugs never seem to shrink much for me.... some say I'm blessed and I'm not so sure about that!! }(
Jess - where was that picture of you taken? I know you live somewhere near Evily and we had pictures taken a couple of years ago in a park that looks just like that one!
It was actually in Missouri near my IL's house. But yes, I do live near Evily! Let me know next time you're close by, what a fun get together that would be! ;-)
I like my legs - although my calves could be a bit smaller - they are VERY muscular w/ very little fat. Arms are good too. It's just that area from just below my shoulders to just below my hips...x(
I have short, stubby legs that I have come to accept. There is still some fat and chub that I wish gone, but I do love that they are strong and not stick thin. My problem is the midsection! UGH x(

my legs are the only thing I feel I actually like. I have other parts that annoy me for one reason or another. THey look a heck of a lot better when I'm working out though. When I was being a slug for a while they started loosing their nice muscular shape etc.
But I have accepted my body too and try not to think bad things like I used to when I was young(highschool). I used to be all obsessed and get depressed etc and I finally got sick of it and wanted to like myself the way I am. But whatever I can do to keep my body healthy and looking its best I do. The rest I don't worry about. After having kids I'd kill for my highschool body too. lol! all that worrying when I should have been happy. I wasn't perfect for sure but was missing a bunch of stretch marks and other stuff. It was all those darn magazines I kept comparing myself too when I should have been happy with what God gave me.
Oh and yes when I loose a few more lbs I will probably think my legs are a bit thin in the calves etc and wish that I could get more shape. I hate calf work but I'll try to do it more often.
I like my legs, I love the shape weight training has given them and my glutes. Lower body is my favorite to work. SO was the first one to notice my glutes, he asked, "is all that working out supposed to make your butt rounder?" Lol.
I think I have the ugliest legs I've ever seen on a woman and never wore shorts until yesterday. It was just so doggone hot I felt compelled to drag out a really old pair of shorts. They were pleated and waaaay too big but I used a safety pin to bring in the waistband... looked like I was wearing an old paper sack... But I got so much positive feedback I wonder if maybe I'm being silly. But I'm getting more shorts anyway. It's too hot for long pants.

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