Do you know about when you will make the final decision on which workouts you are going to do next?


I was just wondering if you knew about when you are going to make the final decision & announce which workouts you have decided to film this summer. I figured we are all so excited now with the anticipation of the new workouts coming, maybe our excitement could climb even higher with a ballpark date of when the new workouts might be announced. If you want to just tease us & not tell us, I guess that's okay, too. I was also wondering if maybe your clothes & the mini topper might be on the same "release timeline" with the new workouts. Thanks!

Hi Jeni! Thanks for your enthusiasm. This is actually why I haven't been able to get on the forums much at all this past week. I am working diligently on these details now and am hoping to post some information for everyone very soon :)
RE: Do you know about when you will make the final deci...

My checkbook is waiting for the pre-sale!

Cathe -

Like so many others that have written you to thank you for the
huge improvements you have made to our fitness levels, I can't
tell you what it means to have such amazing workouts.

I'm 41 (rapidly going on 42). I'm MUCH fitter than I ever
was in my 20's. Also, your workouts help me stay fit enough
to keep up in Aikido classes. It means very much to me to be
able to keep the pace in very sweaty aikido classes. I know
that you have helped me get to my current fitness level and
that I will keep on pushing on to even higher levels.

Thank you Cathe!

Whatever you decide on, I'm buying when the pre-sale is
announced! Keep on challenging us to get fitter!

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