Do you iron your cargo pants?

Well hate to admit that I iron a lot. I hate to do it, but love the look and feel of fabric post ironing. You can always tell what day was ironing day at my house as I reward myself with vino afterward :9

I did say wrinkles were fine. Especially on cargos. Some of us are just too anal for wrinkles ;-) Heck I even iron the sheets when I have time. It makes cotton feel like silk against your skin. Oh, somebody please help me.........
This thread is cracking me up! I just looked down at my cargo's (they are somewhere between shorts and capri's) and there is a few wrinkles. I very rarely iron anything. I find it so funny that my Grandmother actually ironed her sheets-yikes!

I remember my stepmother ironing sheets and pillow cases.

I haven't ironed anything in over 5 years (and that was a decal!).
I just take things out of the drier as soon as they're done.
(And I wear a lot of knits: no dressy blouses or other clothes that need ironing...or dry cleaning).
>Fach, if you will come over to my house and iron, I will give
>you all the vino you want!
Ok Tess, you have a deal! But I warn you, I'm a thirsty girl;-)
I refuse to iron, if it can't be washed & dryed or washed & laid flat to dry then it goes to the dry cleaner! I know I've got an iron somewhere in this house but couldn't tell you where it is! :)

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