do you here comments about working out?


I went on vacation about a month ago. We were staying in a condo type set up with a bunch of other people. We were bringing a portable DVD player to use in the car for my son since it was a 12 hour drive to get to and from our destination. The hotel also happened to have a fitness room. (a poor excuse for one anyway! LOL)

I brought a few work out dvd's just incase I had an opportunity alone in the condo to utilize them since we had the dvd player with us. I also brought my Ipod for use with the cardio equipment in the fitness room.

The dvd's never got used b/c as it turns out the only space big enough for me to work out in was the living room and the 2 teens that were with us slept on the pull out couch in there and slept late ofcourse. Beyond that there were just too many folks in and out all day long.

I did, however, make use of the cardio equipment in the fitness room several of the days we were there.

My SIL was on vacation with us and she also works out. She is a personal trainer too. She, however, chose not to work out on vacation but didn't make any comments about my choice. My DH never says a word. He knows it makes me happy and for the little time it takes for my work outs, if it means he has a happy wife instead of a grumpy one, he's all for it!:p
Vacations are supposed to be about what makes you happy and relaxes you. Your workouts do that, just as his surfing does for him. So, where's the difference?

I remember once talking to a doctor about a minor operation and he said I was lucky, while recuperating, I wouldn't have to work out for a while. I said, "but I like working out", and he looked at me so strangely.....

If he is that supportive of you, what exactly is his problem?

Just ignore any more comments and go ahead and do what you want to do.

Annette Bethel

I took my fanny lifter, weights and dvds on vacation with me, since it was a car trip. Last month in August some of the Firm Believers came to Columbia,so I was able to workout and meet some of the most wonderful women.

While I do mostly workout at home,it was nice to get out and workout at the BodyFit and Firm Studios!

Hopefully I can do it again in November.

When my parents were here I didn't workout at all. I just enjoyed my parents and took 2 weeks off from working out. I think my body appreciated it as well.

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