Do you feel guilty when feeling tired to workout?

I too feel wiped at that PMS time, I usually will take it down to a easier workout. As far as feeling guilty for taking a day off, I am trying to overcome this. I have been missing a day here and there cuz I messed up my back (and ignored it) and kept working out and then it spread to nerve pain on my left leg and shin...HEllO body are you trying to tell me something, so now I am going to the chiro and listening to my body, if I would have in the first place it wouldnt have got so bad or painful, I am working out when I can and if I cant then I cant I keep telling myself that muscle dosent dissapear overnight from missing a workout here or there. I too am a perfectionist and like to go 100% or 0%, ya know..gotta find a happy medium especially when your body is "talking" to you:7
Sounds so familiar! I too hurt my back some time ago from doing too much too soon after having a baby. I had to take several weeks off from doing any high-impact cardio (which I love!!!) and slowly ease my way back into the routine. I was god for a while about taking enough rest days, but I'm noticing myself slipping slowly... feeling quilty about a day off (or not giving a workout your 100%!) is one sign of that for me... I too try to remind myself that one day (or a week for that matter!) won't make the slightest difference to my body. A needed day of rest on the other hand could make the difference between injury or not. Now how hard can that be...;)) (I know it's hard for me...;)).

It is SO hard to get rid of that little voice of perfectionism that shouts at you to workout no matter what. I do think (and my older body speaks louder to me then it used to) that your body is really telling you to back off a bit though. I sometimes have trouble taking heed though also, and pay for it by being REALLY tired and even out of sorts for a couple of days after pushing too hard.
Hahahaha! This thread has been very entertaining. When I am too tired to workout, I don't feel guilty, I feel relieved!

Finally, I've earned a day of total rest. Lovely. Wonderful. Bliss.
Usually when I feel too tired to workout, that is the time when I need a good workout the most. I know once I get past the first 5 min. I'll feel much better. I teach fitness classes and have had many participants comment on the same phenomenon. But if I do miss a workout I try not to sweat (haha) it.

"He who has health has hope; he who hs hope has everything"

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