Do you believe in reciprocation?

Do you go to home parties (Candelite, Mary Kay, Lia Sophia, etc.) when you're invited? Have you ever declined an invitation from a friend who attended your party? Do you give a reason when you decline? Or do you go because she came to yours?

Just curious...
I have yet to be invited to one that had a product line I was interested in. Pampered chef (all I need is a spoon, microwave and toaster), Mary Kay (I just need a stay put lip stick), some basket party (refuse to spend that much money on something Dorothy carries her dog in)...

Anyway, I think it all depends on why you are not going. Totally turn the table on yourself and do what you would be happy with. If it's a schedule conflict, ask her for a catalog or if you can pick something out prior/afterwards. Can you do that? I have no clue how those work!
I've gone to "return the favor" so to speak but I've also gone because I truly wanted to...It really depends on the product and who will be there. I often go for the social aspect of it as opposed to being interested in purchasing the product. If you really have no desire to go you can turn it down. There is no law stating you have to accept EVERY invitation you get. Give a reason or don't... That's up to you.
All my friends know & respect that I am not into all of that.... I also dont do baby / wedding showers.. No tongue lashings please! I celebrate BIG TIME with my core group of friends and dont feel the need/desire to attend these group "girl" things that I absolutely find agonizing to attend. Since I dont "host" all those kind of parties I obviously dont feel the "need" to attend. My friends respect me & my dislikes so its NEVER been an issue.;)
I have because one of these people was constantly throwing these parties and it got to be ridiculous. She'd even try to guilt myself and others into attending for which I was unmoved knowing that she threw these stupid things to get all the freebies and discounts. It sounds like in your case you might order from the catalog or simply but politely decline. Sometimes one doesn't have money to blow on drastically overpriced jewelry, make up, candles, or cooking utensils.
Most of the time I will go if I am invited. If I have something planned I will decline but I will still place an order.

I do not have parties, except for this past November, I had a Discovery toy party because everyone wanted to order something for their children for Christmas they have great items (Learning stuff) and a Lifetime Guarantee on their products and it is reasonable.

I would hate for people to come to my event just because they didn't want to hurt my feelings or because they felt it was expected of them. I'm with Traci I hate these "woman" type events including baby/wedding showers. It's just not my thing. I went to a Pampered Chef party because my friend was hosting it and it was a small group of people. I went to another one that she gave as support as it was at the home of our boss she didn't want to go alone. I did it as a friend and didn't buy anything. I would never, ever expect her to come to a event (if I ever hosted one). To me, it's only honest and truthful when you really want to go, other than that, it's just fake.
Having expectations placed on you or placing expectations on another person is the worst thing you could ever do.

Ok..I will respectfully step down from by soapbox.
I just reply, Sorry I can't attend. It just isn't in my budget. Being a stay at home mom I do my best not to spend. I also won't "host" any of these parties. Believe me, I know most bookings are related to "guilt" or "obligation". I used to sell Home Interiors years ago and I seen so many people who didn't want to have a party guilted into it by a friend. My best friend sells Mary Kay and I didn't host a party for her when she started. Didn't feel guilty about it either. If I would have had one, then I would have felt obligated to go to any party someone else had who attended mine. Works well for me!!
I have been to several of these things and I tend to go with an open mind. If I find something I like, I will get it, but if not, then I have not compunction to buy.

I have also held a Pampered Chef party where upwards of 50 people showed (all said they showed up because they new I was cooking!!). I didn't care one whit if they bought anything, I was just throwing the party to have a ton of friend show up, eat, and have fun (unfortunately, there was still a TON of food left over.....well, it was good to take to work the next day!)

One of my former bosses would throw a massive party ever quarter or so. She loved the Longaberger baskets so she'd have a rep there as well as a Mary Kay rep and a couple of other ones, but she didn't care if anyone bought anything. Like me, she was just throwing the party to have friends over and to gather around the buffet (and wine counter!!!).

Now, my schedule is such that when I am invited, invariably it's on the weekend (I work weekend nights), so going isn't an issue!
I'm really not a fan of these "come and buy" parties. I've gone to them, but only hosted one (out of guilt) many years ago. It feels weird to invite someone to my home and expect them to buy stuff so I can get free stuff.

I do have a friend who is a consultant for one these companies. So to be supportive, I told her I'd host a party if the profits/hostess stuff could be turned into a check for the charity of my choice. She said that kind of thing was actually done quite bit.
I host one every once in a blue moon - I don't like to ask my friends more than every year or two. I usually have a great turnout, and if they don't buy a thing I'm just glad to visit with them!

Often I will go to a party just to be supportive - they are always more fun with more people. Kinda embarrassing to host one and have 2 or 3 people show up. I usually decide ahead of time that I will or won't buy anything ... though I might indulge in some food! ;-) It seems like a good excuse for yummies!
It just depends. I have a good friend who sells PartyLite, so I'll usually book a show in October & then get some Christmas gifts w/ the free stuff! ;-) I also have a friend that sells Tupperware & another that sells Mary Kay, but none of them are pushy about it.

If it's something I like or am interested in, then I go. If not, I don't. ;-) And I don't feel obligated to buy if I don't have the money or else look for the lowest cost thing if you feel like you *have* to buy. (like a dozen tealights from PartyLite! ;-) )

Your friend should understand!!
I don't go to any parties - no home parties like Mary Kay, etc. - or showers. My excuse, "I hate parties." The games are the worst part.

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