Do you all use BOTH "bands" and "tubing"? or one?


I just bought a bunch more Cathe tapes: Intensity Series, Gym series, Muscle Max, and Body Blast Series. I think that bands and tubing (with handles) are in these routines. But, do you all use one or the other? or do you all use BOTH types (bands and tubes).

Also, is there ONE place to order both types? I found a link for the Dyna Band site. And I know about Spri tubing. But I'd like to order from just one place, if possible.

RE: Do you all use BOTH

The Dyna bands are only used in some of the Gym Styles and MM (The Hardcore series) there isn't any tubing used in any of Cathes that I know of....:)...Carole
RE: Do you all use BOTH

Thanks Dorothy...:)...after I posted I thought there was one....but I don't have it so I didn't know...:)...Carole
RE: Do you all use BOTH

thanks for replying!

Strange, but I could have sworn that the band Cathe used in Basic Step/Body Fusion DID have a "handle" on it. ? I gave the tape away to my sil, and she just left for vacation. aargh! Now, I can't check to see what it was that Cathe was using.

I did just now see that does have both type though. I guess I'll get both anyway.
RE: Do you all use BOTH

ok. Thanks Dorothy! we must have all been posting at the same time. Glad to know I wasn't imagining things. Since I gave that tape up, I guess I don't need the tubing then, right? Or is Cathe going to be employing "tubing with handles" going forward, in her future series? Does anyone know? I've never used either band or tubing, before.
RE: Do you all use BOTH

I prefer to use tubing when doing the leg presses...however I use the band for all other exercises. has everything you will need...bands and tubing.

RE: Do you all use BOTH

I have both, although I find the bands much more flexible than the tubing. If you are buying tubing (which is only used in Body Fusion as far as I can tell), be careful about the strength level. I consider myself fairly pretty strong and went with "medium" and can barely move the thing!


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