Do I want Pure Strength and Slow & Heavy?


Silly question, I know--of course I "need" all the Cathe's.

I tend to build muscle easily and usually stick more to circuit and total body workouts. I hadn't even tried GS until last week, but I really like them (in a truly humbling sort of way). I love the Pyramids as well, but they are much easier for me than GS.

So tell me, should I get PS and S&H? And if so, which would you get first. I'm thinking ahead to my August birthday.

Thanks guys,

Carol F
Why not?;-) Even if you build muscle easily (and I wish I were like that), it pays to vary your workouts. Maybe just use it as a supplement of sorts? I am such an enabler.:p I like both PS and S&H, but if you like the slow counts in GS, you might like S&H better.


"Justifications-R-Us" and I just love being enabled. I think I'll try S&H first--especially after checking the rankings in the "Ultimate Guide."

Is PS really that easy, or can you make it more difficult by adding heavier weight?

Carol F
Carol, I don't know why PS was rated as one of the easier ones. It's easy to follow but definitely not easy. I guess if you're a seasoned exerciser and use Cathe's weights in this workout, which are lighter than in her newer workouts, you don't feel it as much. But I use the heaviest weights I can manage when doing PS, and I feel it. I especially like Cathe's form tips here. I learned so much about good form and mental assistance from this series -- "Don't let the weight jerk you around, you control the weight." Damn straight.:)


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