Do I need Slow and Heavy and Pure Strength?


New Member
I seem to go in cycles--sometimes I prefer weight training and sometimes I prefer cardio. Right now, I'm liking more weight training. I don't really need more definition, so I never ordered Slow & Heavy or Pure Strength. I have the Gym Styles, the Pyramids, and I did pre-order the 4-day split series. I've noticed that Slow & Heavy are included in all of Cathe's rotations where she focuses on strength--I've been substituting GS and the Pyramids.

I'm 5'2", 40 years old, and build muscle fairly easily. If my goal is weight loss/maintenance, should I be looking at these two series, or do you think the new 4-day split will be enough?

Thanks for your feedback?

Carol F
I like S&H. It really does make your biceps pop! and for me, gives me good strength gains. Its good to throw it in every once in a while, for a change. It also is a good plataeu buster.

If you have GS, you probably don't NEED PS, but it is a good series, and Cathe has some diff. excersises in there.

By the way, I'm 5'2", 42, and also build muscle easily.

Hope this helped...
Slow & Heavy is different from what you already have. I traded my S & H dvd for Pure Strength and I'm sorry I did, because it's similar to the Gym Styles which I already own.
I think GS is similar to PS. They have about the same variety of moves at a similar pace. S&H is quite different from the 2, but it is just too slow for me. I get bored doing them. I virtually never do them anymore. I did when I first got them, but now they are just collecting dust.
I just got S&H. I have done it for the first time this past week. I really like it.:) The pace of the workout is much better for me, compared to GS. I wouldn't do without GS either, but I do hit pause in that workout quite a bit. S&H has more recovery time between sets, which I need. Cathe also gives great pointers on form, which I find very helpful.:)

I like Slow and Heavy, but can only do them 2 weeks at a time because they are slow and tend to bore me after a while.

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