DO I need CTX or Pure strength?


I am looking at the August 2004 rotation, but I don't have the CTX or the Pure strength series DVDs yet. CAn I sub those with the Hardcore,Intensity series and Body blast? I wasn't sure if I need the other series or not although I am getting the burning desire to get em anyways. I guess I am addicted :)
THank you :)
Although I'm sure you'll get them eventually, (we all do don't we/:) ) you can easily sub with parts of different videos (it's a lot easier if you have the DVD versions of IS and BB though) Just look at the DVD breakdown of a particular video on Cathe's website (go to DVD's, click on the one you want to know more about and then scroll down the page). Cathe provides a breakdown of exercise/time for each video and so you should be able to get a pretty good idea from these what parts of the videos that you do have will sub easily. So with a little research you should have no problem.
You can sub the Gym Styles for PS since both series have similar splits. There is nothing to compare with CTX, but you can do 30-40 min. of cardio of your choice (includes warm-up and a short cool down) followed by about 15 min. of weight work for one body part using any segment of the weight workouts in the Intensity and Body Blast series. Hope this helps.

Hi again Pinky:D,
Just wanted to let you know......... You inspired me to pull this dvd out, and I did it yesterday:D I am feeling it today, but in a good way!! I did modify some of the high impact on my rebounder and it was wonderful!!


BTW I am responding to the Bootcamp thread:7

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