Do Bodytype workouts work?


New Member
Hi Cathe!

I have been reading aobut bodytype workouts and wonder if there is some truth to it or hype. I would fall under endomorph which would need more cardio based workouts and I've read to do cardio first followed by strength workouts mainly endurance to burn fat. I always thought you could do cardio on an empty stomach or strength followed by cardio for greater fat burning. Is there any truth to this stuff? Thanks!
Hi Nancy!

Sure, certain bodytypes may respond more favorably to certain types of workouts, however, your own genetics will ultimately tell you what works for you. Most of these suggested "myths" of what works for who, with what body type, at what time of day and in which order etc., are not based on proven scientific evidence.

I tend to look at these things as something to give a try. If it works for you, great, and if not, keep experimenting with different workout approaches to see which one your body gravitates towards. Even after you have found what works best for you, it is best not to get locked into that and only that, since you will need to provide some slight variations to that approach to keep your body responding positively. Hope this helps some!
I don't know

I don't know if bodytype workouts work, because I won't try them. They always say people with my shape should avoid Step tapes and Heavy Lifting. Well, that's exactly what I like to do! I think some of the "theories" are based on aesthetic preferences. The "experts" have an ideal body type (ectomorph,) so they try to assign workouts to the rest of us that will make our meso or endo bodies look more ecto. Thus, no step for those of us with big booties and thighs. Well, I like having big, tight thighs and a strong booty, and I happen to think that step and weights make my meso-endo body look its best... not like an ecto.

Not that being ecto is bad, I think it's a great body type. Just not mine.

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