Ditch the crunches?

Well, I do crunches with weights & I've had amazing results. I will never give them up.

As far as flies go, yes they work a very small part of the chest--not the part that gives you cleavage, but the part that keeps you "lifted." IMO flies are essential to help prevent sagging.
Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth. I read the article and it makes sense given the current research.

Pec flyes are an isolation movement and the trend is going more toward compound exercises like the chest press or the (my favorite!) push-up. You work more muscles at one time, and you SAVE time doing it - it's a much more efficient and effective way of working out.

As for the sit-up vs the crunch, a great deal of Pilates ab work look more like a sit-up than a crunch. We all know that Pilates is very effective.

That being said, "To each his/her own!" You have to make up your own mind, but please be open minded and be willing to try the new stuff.

Just Do It! :)
Hi, there. I wrote Cathe asking about the same article, but she said she'd write more after she'd had time to give it some thought.

Personally I was glad the article suggested doing away with upright rows, as they feel "awkward." I've always done them in a grim, unhappy manner since they DO feel awkward, and I will take that suggestion to heart. But I love pec flies, since I can lift heavy with them.

BTW, is your cat all right?

Susan G
Thanks for asking!

The cat is doing OK. We'll see what happens.

I think upright rows are awkward too, BTW.
crunches work - but only to a certain extent - IMHO

I do Cathe workouts and have great abs. But what really pushed me over the top was going to the gym and adding resistance. Roman Chair, Cable crunches (with weights) and core work.

I love the Cathe tapes when she uses medicine balls etc because that's added resistance, plus the planks etc. Abs, in my opinion, are like any other body part - use resistance and work 1 to 3 times a week and you are good to go!

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