
I mostly read here, but I had to say something about this one. The post about WD just really disgusts me. Until you know the facts, keep it shut. She is probably really hurt and I hope they pull that post off and someone apologizes.
I don't think you need to worry about Sue's feelings being hurt. She posted another picture of herself. I think that proves your point--those nay sayers didn't know what they were talking about. Which was my point in the thread--take all things into consideration before deciding someone is a fake.

She is an incredible looking woman & should be very proud of herself. She handled the entire thread with class. She ignored every post except the original from Francine. Whom I know didn't mean to open the can of worms the thread did. You couldn't ask for a more sincere, honest woman. She has a heart of gold!

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
Glad it did not get uglier and WD was not offended in any way. She sounds like a beautiful lady inside as well, to go with the beautiful body.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!
Well to be honest, I don't think anything is inherently wrong with doubting what people say on the Internet. This web site seems like a small, intimate community but most of us have never met each other. It would be relatively easy for someone to take on a false identity.

I don't think I would have gone about bringing up my doubts that way, but I do think it's a good reminder to be vigilant about the info you give on the Internet and to remember that not everyone is who they say they are.

I hope WD did not get her feelings hurt by the thread. She is a beautiful woman and an inspiration.
Ok, ok, ok....... I have read the posts seen the pictures and I must say both women are beatiful!! I totally believe they are real!! You all are an inspiration!!
Now, I'm dying to get my hands on that endurance rotation!! I've went back into the archive and can't find it!! HELP!!! I want to do it if I can!!
Guys, don't be doubters! Anything is possible! I took my body to that level oce last year, and I'm wanting to do it again! I competed with women who ae they're age and DO look like that!
I've since gained a ton of weight and no workout of mine is helping matters. I want to try WD's! Also, what do you guys eat?? Obviously, your carbs are kept under control, how do you do it? Please tell!!

I'm impressed, not doubting!

Sue and Francine both look incredible! Isn't it great when hard work pays off! When I read Sue's workout routine, I thought no wonder she looks like that.

I hope that Sue takes the doubting as a compliment. One of Runners' World's covers this year was of a triathlete using a balance ball for core work. Someone wrote in accusing RW of putting a female head on a guy's torso because they thought that there was no way that a female could have ripped abs like that. Luckily the triathlete got a good laugh (she says) at looking so good that people thought it was camera magic.

Sue & Francine have provided a great dose of motivation for the New Year! Maybe next Christmas more of us can post some pics that trigger skepticism!!

RE: I'm impressed, not doubting!

Aimee, there is a "WD, your Endurance Rotation" thread around here somewhere. She posted her S&H and Endurance Rotations.

I'm actually not disgusted by the posts of doubters. IMO, no one was ugly at all. And, like Debra said, it must be a HUGE compliment. I'd be tickled pink if it happened to me and got to post another picture of myself to prove that I looked that good. In fact, I'm sure if I did post a pic of myself, there would be some doubters.....NOT!!! LOL.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
Sue's Endurance & S&H rotations


Here you go....I remember your competitionbound days, I know how disappointing it must be to have lost all of that conditioning. Good luck getting back into shape.

Mon. Step Works and Power Hour
Tues.Circuit Max and abs from ctx abs dvd first 25 min.
Wed. MIS Lower and abs, Bodymax abs, bowflex lower 20 min.,
Interval Max
Thurs.ctx 10,10,10, warm up and cardio, all step cardio, and
ctx upper body split
Fri. ctx leaner legs and Body Max cardio up to upper section
Sat. ctx kickbox warm up and cardio, ctx step and intervals
cardio only, Body Max upper body & abs and abs from power
hour and MIS
Sun. rest

WD’s S&H Rotation
I probably spend more time on strength rotations than endurance. I will probably do this 3 weeks and move on. I really like slow and heavy. I could give an example of a rotation I would use.

Mon S&H Legs & Shoulders, I use my bowflex to go heavier on the squats, and add more calf work and 3 sets each leg extensions, and leg curls with the bowflex. CTX all step cardio only

Tues S&H Chest,Back and Triceps CTX Step and Intervals cardio
only Also the planks

Wed. MIC and S&H Biceps, and Abs which I usually do 2X

Thurs. S&H Legs, done same as Mon except no shoulders. Cardio Kicks sometimes abs

Fri. Rhythmic Step, PS all upper body exercises and one stretch no abs.

Sat. Interval Max, All of CTX abs

Sun. Rest

I try to get everything in twice. I am kind of crazy with abs. I will shorten them if I hold a dumbell on my chest for the cruch segments. Usually I will do this for 4 weeks and move to an all PS rotation. I may skip shoulders the second time around as I tend to have more muscle soreness in that area.

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
Sue is fabulous looking. The problem is, she threatens people by her achievements. People want excuses to fail . . . and someone like that is a stinging reminder that if they are not in a similar position, they have no one to look to but themselves. Sue is in the top less than one percent of achievers. It's something I've thought and said all along. You want to get there, you do what it takes, and usually that means eliminating the junk and working your a** off. What's the difference between that and becoming a CEO of a major company, or a movie star or playing tennis at Wimbledon? All require sacrifices and dedication.

The people on these boards who say you can eat some junk and still be in great shape are already in great shape. They're not 40 pounds overweight and fighting to stay even there. Sure, you can eat a cookie or something if you're already at 15% bodyfat and working out every day, but it does a disservice to people who are not in that condition and cling to those statements as permission to continue their self-defeating patterns.

I firmly believe that only an "all or nothing" attitude will get you to where Sue is. Once you're there, you can experiment and see what you can get away with.

I'm sure this will piss some people off but I'm talking from the perspective of someone who finally realized it was time to either fish or cut bait (do what it takes or shut up and accept being a blimp).
Well said, K60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:::::clap, clap, clap:::::

You are right on the mark! I know this from experience. (whether it ticks people off or not, either!)

K60, I know where you're coming from, but I don't really agree. You can have moderate amounts of any type of food and be successful as long as you fit the food into your diet appropriately. I don't think you have to deprive yourself of any dessert type food for 10 years to look great. You just have to do it moderately enough that it fits into your diet.
Well, I do think the Hall of Fame picture looks fantastic and I do apologize to Sue for doubting. However, as someone posted earlier, this is the internet folks! I do not automatically trust everyone I meet on the net – that’s just the way I am. Plus, I had never seen a post from her before until the picture thread turned up. While I do believe now and am greedily sucking on my stinky toes, I still maintain that the original picture she posted looks doctored and somehow unnatural (real as it may be) – I too showed it to my BF and it was the first thing out of his mouth. So, I am sorry, but I would have to think this is all just a bunch of giggles for Sue. What does she care if we believe how great she looks?!

Also, as a side note, it was not the fact that I felt threatened by her success that made me doubt – it was simply a funky picture. Believe it or not there are some of us out there who are happy with our own rotations and progress the way it is!

This is a fair comment, but the thing is if most of us, myself included was to get a really great photo of ourselves after we got to goal and posted. I for one would be upset if people began saying the photo was doctored. I would like to post here with my success story I don't have any really good before pictures so I guess people will probably be skeptical of my when I do.

I guess sensitivity is the key here personally I would have asked about the picture or taken her word for it. As I would anyone else who posts here on whatever comments they make (within reason).

I agree with your comments about the internet it is why I aviod various chatrooms on the net because as you say you do not know if people there are who they say they are.

Babs - I do understand your point. I actually wasn't going to say anything at all about the pic until I saw Francine's post... I realize now that I should have not said anything at all. But we live and learn! :)
RE: Sue's Endurance & S&H rotations

Thanks Sue!! Yeah, I hoping for mayb one mor comp and then that'll be it. Not until spring though. Thanks again for the rotations!! I'm printing it out now:)!!!


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