Discrimination against video exercisers



So, I went to a prep course this past weekend for my ACE Personal Trainer certification exam in May. As part of introductions, we had to share our personal and professional fitness exercise experience. I proudly shared that I exercised to videos and it was like I had done something that smelled bad!! It was like exercising to fitness videos was not a "real workout"!! The class was made up of people with varied fitness experience both personally and professionally and people were all over the map with regard to their experiences, but no video exercisers.

I have NO problem with the way I train but I got really defensive and angry. I am at normal body weight for my height, have noticeable muscle definition in both my upper and lower body, and can hold my own with anyone who goes to a gym. The reason I decided to become a personal trainer was to work with people like me, who don't like the gym setting!!

Anyway, I know I don't have to sell any of you on video exercise. And, it was amazing the amount of exercise knowledge I had absorbed by doing my Cathe videos!!

Thank you for letting me vent...

"Don't forget to breathe!"
Funny....when I did join a gym, everybody asked me where(meaning what gym)I worked out at prior to coming to their gym becuase I was very fit. I replied, "I work out at home." They were quite shocked. I still get comments, but maybe that because I still workout at home, too.

I hate that blank, OMG, you're a loser look everyone gives you when you tell them you workout to videos. They just haven't met Cathe.

Lois and Namita - don't get mad - get smug.

Actually, I kind of get that attitude cubed, because #1 I work out at home to lowly videos, AND #2 my other major exercise mode is aqua aerobics, which is seriously the Rodney Dangerfield and Tiddlywinks of the group fitness spectrum. And group fitness instructors and trainers just get completely weirded out that I'm in 10 times better shape than they are off of two such dissed methods of exercise.

There's a great line from Robert Bolt's play "A Man For All Seasons": "The skill of the master is lost in the pupil's lack of it."

Let 'em look at you sideways, Lois and Namita - and laugh right in their faces.

When I tell people that I workout they always ask what gym I go to. LOL! We also just bought 300lbs in weights and new barbells too. When the guy comes with the items, he ask where my "husband" wants to put the weights. Then he ask if I can drive our truck so I can pull it behind his truck to put in the weights to make it easier on both of us. Can I drive a truck? What a dumb question!
Needless to say, I couldn't wait for the man to leave. Idiot!

I kind of had this experience when I was thinking about becoming an aerobics instructor. Our workplace had a "wellness center" that employed instructors from one of the local fitness clubs. They couldn't keep an aerobics instructor interested in teaching classes at our place, so the director of the club asked if there was anyone who worked for us that would be interested in becoming an instructor. I blurted out that I'd do it, not really thinking about how it totally didn't fit my personality. So I went to meet with this woman one day and she couldn't believe it when I told her I worked out strictly using Cathe Friedrich videos. When I would go to her classes for practice, she would make jabs at home videos once-in-a-while. But I tell you...I was in much better shape than anyone in her class and most of the instructors too.

I never was able to get into good shape when I had a gym membership. There was no focus to my workout. I had no idea what I was doing. You spend most of your time waiting for the machines and then feeling rushed to get off so the next person can use them. And I didn't like the "meat market" feel to the place. Plus, working out at home eliminates the excuse that you just didn't feel like going to the gym.

I think that you'll find more acceptance from everyone as they see what you can do. Maybe they were just baffled that you can get into really great shape without wasting your money on a gym membership.
I'm in the best shape of my life now (in my 30s) that I work out at home that I was when I worked out at a gym (in my 20s). Nuff said.

Don't let it get to you, Lois.

I think the stigma associated w/ home workout videos is because there are SO MANY exercise videos on the market that are not high quality like Cathe. Cathe is definitely a minority when it comes to producing exercise videos that delivers gym style results.

I mean think about it? Who is she in the same market w/? Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, Denise Austin, Billy Blanks, etc. I hear those names and I think pffftttt....yeah right like I'll get a hard core bod working out to these instructors.

Just let your body be a walking advertisement to the benefits of working out at home (when using Cathe videos of course). Pretty soon people will change their opinions.

Everyone has to understand that the only way to effectively lose weight and maintain it is to combine clean eating, intense aerobics and strength training into their lifestyle. (irregardless of whether the workouts are done through the gym or at home w/ videos).

Don't forget Jessica Simpson, Cindy Crawford and Kathy Ireland! Just love when an actress or model puts out an excerise tape.
The problem is ignorance. I think people are basing their opinion of "home video exercisers" based on what they know about videos. If they haven't done any research, all they see are the celeb videos and other crappy type stuff. They assume this is what you mean. I'd be willing to be most of them have never heard of Cathe.

I have to tell you, I live in a college town where the young and pretty abound and still, at our brand new, just re-opnened, refurbished YMCA, which has now become just the biggest health club you can imagine, the average body is flabby and nowhere near as in shape as mine. Week after week, as I sit working and reading waiting for my girls to be done with their judo and swimming classes, all I see is:

1) time wasted staanding around chatting, waiting for a machine to be free,

2)endless pacing and stepping on the stair masters amd plodding on the treadmills (where everyone concerned looks so much like a mouse running on a wheel in a scientist's laboratory, endlessly repeating the same thing)

3) examples of terrible form among the weight lifters, crumpling up their backs and leaning backwards therefore putting their precious back at risk of injury just so they can eak out another rep without having to change down their weights, or swinging their weights so high up they are either gonna hurt somebody or themselves, and this is supposedly all happening while the Y's personal trainers are supervising and on call for help with form etc,

4) the Cardio kickbox class which goes on at the same time as my girls' judo class, so i watch through the open ddoor for several minutes each week, just to see if the instructor is ever gonna vary his routine (sadly, no, been the exact same now for over a year) or increase the intensity (no, they still just lamely throw their fists about in simulacrum of punches), or stop watching jimself in the mirror enough to correct the form of his participants and urge them on to greater intensity (no, not ever, never).

I tell you, I did CTX Kickbox last night and although it is not the most inspired of Cathe's kickboxing w/os, I was drenched in sweat and aching like crazy by the end of it (oops, haven't done Kickbox for about a year....) and I never see the participants in the Y class coming out looking like I did last night with my home exercising act.

I don't feel any compunction to join in with the Y's exercisers ever. I stroll on past the rows of pounding treadmillers, sit on my behind working for 2 hours, knowing smugly that when I get home with my girls I will be put through the workout of my life by Cathe which excels anything the Y can offer. Last night CTX Kickbox and Leaner Legs.

I 'aint missing out on anything. Neither are you!! Oh, except perhaps GROUP SWEATING AS A SOCIAL ACT!!!!

You know what the REALLY interesting thing is? I recently read that most people stop going to the gym because they don't have any idea how to properly exercise or use the equipment... most people can't afford long-term personal trainers (also, I think some of them do more harm than good), which makes them feel stupid and self-conscious.... so they quit and go back to the barcalounger lifestyle.

The COOLEST thing about working with Cathe is you really learn PERFECT form, and we are all so motivated there is not a barcalounger amongst us. ;-)

Billy Blanks, pffft???

Are you talking about the same Billy Blanks, Creator of Taebo, that I'm thinking of?

Guess you've never done any of his Advanced Live Series, or else you're beyond fit.

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