

Has anyone gone through this? I just don't feel like I can do this anymore. No, I am not over training. I just feel so weak, although I am not. I an really stronger than ever. I feel like I can not put that tape in that machine without hurling.
I know I have to workout. I like the way I feel when I do. I don't know what is wrong with me right now. I kinda feel like I have been doing this for sooooo long and my legs are still a little flabby, my arms need to be more toned, I STILL have that pooch.
I always feel like I am not doing the most effective thing eating wise too. I want more energy. (Boo Hoo Boo Hoo)

Any input would be great. Thanks for listening.
When I start feeling that way it's usually time for a new rotation. This morning in fact I started my own upper body weight rotation based on Joyce Vedral's pyramid system. It was nice to put on the radio and do my workout without a tape or tv!! We all go thru periods where we dont feel like working out, in fact I have to force myself to do it most days. Taking a few guilt-free days off is not the end of the world either and can be just what you need to rejuvanate!

Hang in there,

Hi Slenanomd! I agree with Stacy...a few days off may be just what you need! I get to feeling that way also. Sometimes it goes away in a day or two, and sometimes it lingers far too long! But, it always seems to go away. Perhaps you also need to change your routine a bit...? Hang in there, because even though you may not be seeing dramatic results on the outside, there are wonderful things going on on the INSIDE!!! Hope that helps. :)

Please try not to get too discouraged! There are some days I feel the same way, especially when it comes to eating. The only thing we can do is keep trying, but enjoy life at the same time -it's so easy to get overly wrapped up in dieting/exercising. While these things are important, it shouldn't consume one to the point of discouragment and depression.

I agree 100% with the others about changing your routine. Sometimes I get so sick of the videos I have, so I take a long walk outside, or just dance to my favourite songs for an hour! It really breaks things up great and then I'm ready to go back to the more intensive cardio tapes after a few days. Don't be afraid to take a couple of days off here and there - it'll do your body good (especially if you are always feeling weak and tired).

Take care and keep up the good work!

Girl, I have been there. How about this? What is your favorite video? Cardio Kicks is mine. I just love the shoulder/shoulder thing. Anyway, put in you favorite video. Do just the warm up. If you feel like doing more, do more. I try this when I "Just don't feel like it." Anyway, 90% of the time, I finish the whole tape. And about the eating, don't stress. I have read before that stress causes fat cells to increase in the abdominal region. Who knows if this true. But try this - eat something clean; veggies, lean protein, a piece of fruit, etc. If you still crave the candy, chips, whatever, then eat it. Sometimes I am already full or proud of myself from the clean eating and I won't splurge. Sometimes, I still crave the brownie or whatever it is, so I eat it. I feel like I should look like Ms. Fitness with all of the training I've done. But I don't. I am however, stronger and happier now than I was when I restricted heavily & worked out incessantly, or during the years when I ate fast food and doughnuts 7 days a week and my only exercise was walking to the fridge. Hang in there. And if need be, take some time off. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. Take care.
Don't be so hard on yourself.I think everyone knows where you are comming from.Some days I would just love to sit on the couch and do nothing.But then if I do that then all I will be thinking about is what I should be doing.And I won;t really relax either.
Sunday night I had a really hard time trying to make myself work out.Then when I did , all I did was upper body when I had planned to do cardio.I think sometimes our lives revolve to much around working out.I am going away for the weekend and I am already thinking about that day I have to take off, if not two days.And in order to work out on Friday I am going to have to get up Friday morning and run.So if I don't get up then it might be 3 days.And when I take days off I find it really hard to work out the next day.It is much easier for me to work out 7 days a week.But the days last week when I was trying to force myself to work out when I didn't want to ,I would just come to this forum and this would put me in the mood to work out.I would just go and do it and not think about it anymore.
Hope i helped,
I agree that maybe you should take a day or two off to really rest your body and mind, but not too long! :) It might become too easy not to workout and then I think you'd be sorry a few weeks down the road, but a few days here and there won't kill your progress.
I buy a new video or 2 when I hit this feeling. Always shakes me right back up! :) The thought of doing a new video makes it all seem "new again" to me.
And as far as the eating thing. The one thing I have learned is that no matter how bad it gets, whether its 1, 2 or 3 weeks in a row of bad eating, it will come to a stop! You'll get tired and get your fill of all the "bad choices" you were eating during that time, and you'll get right back on track. Sometimes you just have to see that you're really not missing anything at all, and once you do, the healthy eating feels good again, and you have no trouble at all maintaining it.
We all have our "moments" and they pass, just keep logging in and taking in support from everyone here, and this too shall pass! :)

Hi, boy do I know how you feel. I'm just "coming back" from a long period of laying off the exercise, and eating poorly. My key to sticking with it now, even when I am discouraged is to factor in a couple of workouts a week when others are depending on me. That might mean finding a workout buddy, routinely walking an elderly neighbour's dog, or like me, volunteering to teach fitness classes. I was certified ten years ago, and within the last year, recerted, and am teaching a "Cardio-kicks" style workout twice a week. Most times, if I didn't have people waiting for me to show, I'd likely give in to the huge temptation to sit on the couch. The days I work out at home, I'm inspired to keep at it to learn new moves and become the best instructor I can be (Cathe is obviously a great role model!!) I volunteer at my local YMCA, and seeing other people improve is a great boost which also keeps me going. Good Luck, and seeking the support of this group is probably the best thing you could have done!!
Hey guys... I was SOOOO feeling that way last week -

THe final 3 lbs just WONT budge - I just CANT get totally firm :(

I was lifting at the gym and doing cardio like 4 times a week ---
anyhow - I think it was like you said frustratin means time to shake up the old routine....

THis week I've been doing more cardio - Imax and last nite body max.... will see if this shakes it up....
THANK YOU so much for the encouragement. Sometimes you feel like you are the only one out there who feels the way you do. It is nice to know this is normal.
I am going to have a new attitiude for a couple of days. Just exercise for fun. Do something I really want to.

As for the eating: Has anyone tried the Sugar Addicts Recovery Program? I am reading it. Very interesting.

Thanks again, Sharon
Hi, Sharon, I know how you feel also. I would like to add that there are many variables when it comes to motivation and energy. Your diet, your hormones, life stresses. I always find though, if I can get started that when I am done I feel better for having worked out. When I skip I not only feel bad about feeling bad I feel bad about not working out! If the low energy persists, check with your doctor. You could be expereincing depression or you could have thyroid problems. If you work out, eat right and monitor stress levels, you should feel good with energy!
Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
RE: Sugar Addicts Diet

I know many Cathe posters have noted differing opinions on this- JUST FYI, my allergist put me on a candida-control eating plan several years ago when I was about 27. It is VERY similar to the Sugar Busters/SUgar Addict thing. I lost 35 pounds in 3 months and kept it off for 2 years until I started sliding back into old habits. I put back on 15, went back to the plan, and took of 10, steady and holding for 2 years now.

As for working out blues- I agree you should try doing something TOTALLY NEW and different. Start power walking, try a new activity, get a work-out buddy--take up tennis lessons, whatever. Hang in there, take a break, you are a smart woman and you'll be able to kick it back in. PS- if you can, play hooky in the middle of the week: go see a movie by yourself, get a massage. :) Feel better soon

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