Discount DVD Coupon Code

If I'm not mistaken, the Deep Discount DVD code(s) is/are only accepted during a designated 2-week period in June and November of each year. The code DD11 expired on November 19.

If you find something that you really like, you might want to go ahead and get it now; sometimes when they run out of certain dvds, they don't restock them. (I can never figure out which ones they'll get more of and which ones they won't.)
they havne't started a new sale yet. they only use codes during there sales. i get a newsletter from them so i will post a new one when i get one.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
After having my credit card info hacked off the DDDVD site, and hearing that this has happened to MANY other people as well (and how blasé DDDVD is about it), I will NEVER do business with them again. Some "bargains" aren't worth it, and I think that one way DDDVD keeps prices low is to scrimp in the area of security.
Thanks Kathryn. I did order from them one time and used that other service they offer where you don't use a credit card at all and they just bill you. I was surprised at this service being that they don't know you from a hole in the wall. You did have to supply the last four digits of your social security number. I hope this didn't hurt my privacy.....:(

I won't use them in the future. Thanks!

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