Disc 13 and sore traps...


I did #13 yesterday and as the morning goes on I'm feeling it in my traps. I thought I was being super careful on the lat raises to not lift too high ... could it have been something else? The front presses were super hard for me. Could that have gotten traps? Any ideas would be great! Thanks.

What are we doing wrong? After thinking it through - maybe went too heavy on the front press and used too much traps to get the weight up there. I was so careful on the lat raises I'm sure that wasn't it. The traps are considered back, correct? So they technically shouldn't be sore now (that would be Saturday - after working back on Friday, hah). I just know form/technique os so important it's bothering me that something is sore I don't think should be. Now if I'm wrong, and it's natural to have traps sore after this, then I'd be happy. But it's this nagging suspicion I'M (WE?) arethe ONE who is wrong. HELP! I want this corrected/verified before next week!
me too!

I saw the title for this thread and clicked right on it. I'm in exactly the same place. I was super careful about form (at least I thought I was) and really focused in my shoulders and ..yeow! Interesting/comforting to see you guys experienced the same thing. hmmmmmm ....
What are we doing wrong? After thinking it through - maybe went too heavy on the front press and used too much traps to get the weight up there. I was so careful on the lat raises I'm sure that wasn't it. The traps are considered back, correct? So they technically shouldn't be sore now (that would be Saturday - after working back on Friday, hah). I just know form/technique os so important it's bothering me that something is sore I don't think should be. Now if I'm wrong, and it's natural to have traps sore after this, then I'd be happy. But it's this nagging suspicion I'M (WE?) arethe ONE who is wrong. HELP! I want this corrected/verified before next week!

I strongly suspect that you are hunching or tensing your shoulders during the exercises. This could stem from using weights that are too heavy, leading you to tense your shoulders and neck and use momentum from other areas to lift the weights. Try using weights that are a couple of pounds lighter, and be very mindful to keep your shoulders and neck in a non-tightened position when lifting. Keep you back straight but not in a "forced" position. Imagine "squeezing" the muscles you are supposed to be working during the exercise to avoid using momentum. Your trapezius is a stabilizer muscle, so it will be worked, but it should not be that noticeably sore after an upper body workout.

Hope that helps a little!
Thanks Erin

I read your comment, then tried a few one arm lateral raises both with and without hunching. I got a sense that (at least in my case) hunching might have been the problem. That's a less familiar move for me and I remember feeling a bit off balance or not quite steady somehow. I'd like to think I was being more mindful about bracing in the proper way (core) - but that doesn't seem to be the case. Cathe had her other hand on the back of a chair. Maybe that aids a bit in stabilizing. Anyway, thanks for your input (or educated 'hunch').

~ Lori
After talking to some other people I definitely think for me it was going too heavy on the front press. Next week I'm going to try taking it down a few pounds. I'm really glad to hear I'm not the only one!

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