


Hi guys,
I just had to post because I am very upset today. I got up did Imax which I enjoyed very much. Got to work and fell when getting of the bus. I landed upright with all my weight on my right leg and my knee locked. I had xrays, thank God I work in a hospital. The doctor said I just sprained my ankle and to keep off of it for a few days and ice it. I just restarted my exercise program the beginning of January and was following a good rotation, also my Intensity DVD's should be coming.
The bad part was when I got home I preceded to eat a snack size bag of potato chips and cupcakes with my lunch. I am so dissappointed I could cry, sorry this is so long. Friday I am going to just do upper body weights and keep off it till the end of next week and then see how I am for starting back slowly.
Again thanks for letting me vent,
Oh <<<<<<<HUGS>>>>>>> Phyllis, what a horrible thing to happen x(

Don't be tempted to do anything to hinder your progress, take it easy, and you will be back on track in no time :)

It is frustrating when something like this happens, I went over on my right ankle, whilst out walking, slowly, in November, it a good 2-3 weeks to feel normal, even though the initial pain kind of went after 4 days. I can relate to how you feel though...extremely fed up x( !

Hang in there, we are always here if you need to vent !!!!!

Anna :)
Ouch! I am so sorry for what happened to you. I can see why you feel upset. Hang in there. Thank goodness there was no broken bone.
Take care of yourself. You'll be back with more energy, ready for your new Intensity DVDs.
Oh Phyllis, I share your pain. I know just how you feel...though my husband and family don't understand it. I strained a tendon down the front of my shoulder...and haven't been able to lift upper body weights for three weeks now. Been going for ultra sound on it and can now lift my arm above my head but still can't lift weights....and I am so excited for the new DVD's. Good thing they haven't come or I would be way... too tempted!
So we will have to hang in there and heal, then we will be all rested up and ready to tackle those new workouts!
Karen :)
Hi guys,
I just wanted to let you know how comforting your thoughts are right now and to say thank you. Tomorrow I plan to start right back with my WW points and like I said I will do upper body weights on Friday and go from there. Thanks again, you guys are great.

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