Dilema: my pants don't fit:'(


Today I went to the store to buy a new pair of shorts.. and WAAHBAAAM!! I grabbed a size 5 AND they don't fit!! I couldn't button them!! So then.. I tried on a size 7. AAAHH! NOPE. They were tight on my legs and kinda looked gross... So I grab a NINE and WHAM!! Those fit!!! I feel horrible. I used to be a size 2!!

Is it because I'm getting old, or is it muscle??

In the morning, with empty stomach:126
In the evening:129

So now I'm trying on all my old pants on and they don't fit:(
I have a huge ass.
I saw on tv once that step widens your hips... is that true??
I'm doing STS, I'm done with meso 2. When I don't do it, I do cardio and abs! I am on my rest week and I'm gonna start meso 3 next week.. What's wrong with me?!! What else do I need to do??
I started to notice two weeks ago.

Now I need to have a huge garage sale, to sell all my beautiful clothes, that once made me happy!
I don't eat bad, I only have my cheat cheat day once a week!
My goodness, how old are you? Aren't you a little old to be shopping in the jr dept? You no longer have the body of a teenager and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! You're a woman with a woman's figure and you would probably have better luck shopping in the misses dept. ;)
Now I need to have a huge garage sale, to sell all my beautiful clothes, that once made me happy!

Don't do it! Weight goes up, down and around (my hips, anyway) Hold on to your clothes- you'll need them again. My weight is currently going down (well, except for last night!) and I am going shopping in my closet for the clothes that I previously grew out of.
Take it or leave it...

Today I went to the store to buy a new pair of shorts.. and WAAHBAAAM!! I grabbed a size 5 AND they don't fit!! I couldn't button them!! So then.. I tried on a size 7. AAAHH! NOPE. They were tight on my legs and kinda looked gross... So I grab a NINE and WHAM!! Those fit!!! I feel horrible. I used to be a size 2!!

Is it because I'm getting old, or is it muscle??

In the morning, with empty stomach:126
In the evening:129

So now I'm trying on all my old pants on and they don't fit:(
I have a huge ass.
I saw on tv once that step widens your hips... is that true??
I'm doing STS, I'm done with meso 2. When I don't do it, I do cardio and abs! I am on my rest week and I'm gonna start meso 3 next week.. What's wrong with me?!! What else do I need to do??
I started to notice two weeks ago.

Now I need to have a huge garage sale, to sell all my beautiful clothes, that once made me happy!
I don't eat bad, I only have my cheat cheat day once a week!

My suggestions, take it or leave it....

Have you gained weight? Don't blame age - that has NOTHING to do with it. Blame what you're eating, or how you're exercising, but not your age! Step does NOT widen your hips, either. I would go more toward body weight or Pilates type exercises to downsize your lower half. Spinning also helps. The size of your butt has a lot to do with genetics, too. Most of the women in my family have much wider butts than I do, and I thank the genetics fairy every day! They also got bigger boobs, but I don't care about that.

I also agree with not shopping in the Junior Department.
Today I went to the store to buy a new pair of shorts.. and WAAHBAAAM!! I grabbed a size 5 AND they don't fit!! I couldn't button them!! So then.. I tried on a size 7. AAAHH! NOPE. They were tight on my legs and kinda looked gross... So I grab a NINE and WHAM!! Those fit!!! I feel horrible. I used to be a size 2!!

Remember, different manufacturers have different ideas of what a size 9 is. I am currently fitting in pants anywhere from a size 6 to a 10, depending. And, regardless of size, how are you liking how you look? Do you have killer curves now that you didn't before? Do your legs have muscle tone and definition? You can always be skinny- crystal meth addicts have that down cold- but looking hot is a different beast.


I woke up about 3 years ago with the same feeling, although my gain was probably only one size. It wasn't any fun! For me it was the snacks.

Since doing STS I've gone from a 0 to a 00. I've been doing step for years too. This might be a time to be BRUTALLY honest about your diet and exactly how hard you workout. I wouldn't throw the clothes away, but keep them and use them as a goal.

I just wanted to say that I totally empathize with the OP. I am currently battling that same pants not fitting issue. Mine resulted from an on-going stream of too many bad eating choices. :eek:

All I can say is....if you aren't comfortable with your new size/body then make a plan and do something about it. IA that you should go over your diet with a fine-toothed comb. Log your cals and macros for the way you currently eat on an average day in a calorie tracking site so you can see where the trouble might lay and begin to make some changes.

Good luck! I'm on your side and we can beat this together! :)
It's not fun when your clothes don't fit.

I've read and heard the step will increase booty size. I almost bought into that, but then I look at Cathe. OMG, she has the tiniest hips!!!

It's not the step or age, it's the nibbles of food you take without realizing it.
All those little cheats add up extra fat on your body.
Just clean up your diet. Maybe consider journaling your food.
Ahhhh thanks. I was confused. I never pay attn to sizes anyway. One store I can be a size 4 and another a 10. It is so random.
Today I went to the store to buy a new pair of shorts.. and WAAHBAAAM!! I grabbed a size 5 AND they don't fit!! I couldn't button them!! So then.. I tried on a size 7. AAAHH! NOPE. They were tight on my legs and kinda looked gross... So I grab a NINE and WHAM!! Those fit!!! I feel horrible. I used to be a size 2!!

Now I need to have a huge garage sale, to sell all my beautiful clothes, that once made me happy!
I don't eat bad, I only have my cheat cheat day once a week!

I would be thrilled to be in a size 9!!! Wait, I'm back in size 8, but I DO shop in the Misses departments!
I am confused. WHere did the OP say in her post that she shops in the junior's department?

She didn't - but if she is picking up 5, 7 & 9s - those are junior sizes.
2, 4 & 6 - women's sizing. I would not shop junior - do you people see the size of 14 yr old's ass???!! I can't possibly compete with that nor would I want to. That is youth. The days where I would put shorty shorts are long gone. Our figures change as we age - and it doesn't mean that you got heavier - sometimes you just got curves.
I never knew that about the junior sizing! I read the post 3 times looking for the reference to junior clothing. Shows you how often I shop. :D Anyhoo, I shop junior's from time to time myself. I'm 5ft high. Misses pants usually just don't fit.

I shop in the juniors department, but I wear a size 9 or 11 :0 I try not to worry about what the tag says, as long as it looks good! And please, oh please DON'T try to squeeze into too tight pants and give yourself a muffin top!
My goodness, how old are you? Aren't you a little old to be shopping in the jr dept? You no longer have the body of a teenager and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! You're a woman with a woman's figure and you would probably have better luck shopping in the misses dept. ;)

I love Miss Lee. :)

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