Different observations of BB Series


Does anyone else think Rhonda looks really thin? And a few of them seem to me to have overdone the tanner, but other than that they look awesome! I just did Step Blast and got thru the 3 sections with no problem but hten failed miserably when she put them all together during the blasts. Maybe next time will be better!
i noticed rhonda's ribcage instantly...i think she looks great!!! i would kill for her core, but i beleive i will never have it as she appears quite long waisted.
I would love to have ANY of their bodies! :7 I think Rhonda looks fab, so fit and she's just flyin' in the StepBlast DVD. Lest you forget, these workouts were filmed in August. Being a Jersey gal myself, they probably had some nice vacations/weekends down at the shore. ;)

Kathy G
I did notice that everyone is really REALLY brown, but i like it, and none of them appear "orange" to me. Rhonda looks really good to me. Very VERY (read - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!) attractive. She looks so different. Long waisted. Attractive. Fit. Healthy looking (not gaunt in the face). Tall too. Lovely :) I also think that Cede looks fab. Great hair, lighters is better. And as for Brenda...what can i say? I just love her the most. Great face. Great facial expressions when Cathe is doing something that "hurts good". Whenever i'm struggling...i always look for Brenda! x
Wayne's World!

:) :) I agree with you! I just adore Rhonda, too.:) :) I think her abs look excellent, she probably does several ab workouts back to back just like I do!:7 :7 :7 When I need inspiration through a long cardio segment, (like the 90 minute BB/SJP all step segment that I use as an add-on) I just look at Rhonda and she makes it look like a walk in the park.:) :) LOL!LOL!
RE: Premixes

CardioHo, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you do the 120 min. Supersets premix and the 3x Push/Pull premix back to back? Were you sore the next day? Just curious. And thanks for the tip on trying Kick, Punch, and Crunch and Cardio Kicks back to back. I'll have to try that!
RE: Premixes

:) :) :) Yes, that's right JillBean!!! I have to say I just can't get enough!! My core is totally turned on!:* :* :* :) :) :)

Is anything more titillating than new Cathe dvd's?????:p :p :p :p :p

Oh, and on my little premix mish-mash I also had to get my rocks off on the Imax 2 Blast Only at the end.}( }( }( }( I just blast off on that one!!! LOL!LOL!:) :)

I love it when Cathe says "I hope you're pulling your balls out". LOL!:eek: LOL:eek: !!! That's an extra ab workout, right there!! LOL!

Gotta go do some cardio RIGHT NOW!!!!!!:p :p :p :p :p
I thought everyone looks great, especially Lorraine who looks truly beautiful in KPC. The camera loves her. But to me, Rhonda is too thin. I think she needs more meat on those bones, especially around the ribs......no-one else is showing ribs like she is. But if this is her body type, then there it is! Except that she's thinner on this series than on any previous one, so she's doing somthing different.

My TV must be bad because I don't see any ribs on Rhonda, but if you compare her to her Interval Max days, yes, she is thinner. She's very much into health, nutrition and fitness so it doesn't suprise me that she's as tiny as Cathe.

I was just noticing Cede today while doing Push/Pull. I think she looks absolutely beautiful! Her hairstyle is very becoming. I don't think she's ever looked better, and I always thought she was a cutie!
>I thought Rhonda looked quite thin also. I noticed it right
>away when I previewed.
>Lisa TV

Her ribs sticking out really did surprise me, but she looked fine other than that. She didn't look hollow faced or have bones sticking out anywhere else. I can't even begin to do that CIA tape from Season, she looks like a skeleton to me and I just can't look at her and not feel weird. I guess she is healthy and just very lean, but I swear, I see absolutely nothing that looks like muscle on her. I just see skin and bones.
I read that at one point, Rhonda was trying to get pregnant (during PS/IMAX filming maybe?), and put on a lot of extra bodyfat on purpose. She is naturally thin, and it looks to me that she has a difficult time putting on muscle, so when her bodyfat level is down, her ribs show.

I don't think her bodyfat percentage would be any less than Cathe's, but Cathe has a LOT of muscle around her little ribs. I bet Rhonda tries hard to build muscle, and isn't willing to put on some extra bodyfat in its place.

I am thin (that's why I'm sympathetic here). I have some bodyfat around my middle and that's all that keeps my ribs from showing. Muscle is a tough thing to come by on this body.

And, I know what you mean about Seasun. That is a scary look to me...

:D I too noticed how thin Rhonda has gotten. I was doing PS last night and there is quite a difference of how she looked then to now! She is SUPER thin now! I don't know how she does it because my body likes to hold onto the body fat!
There was a thread here about a month or so ago with the same types of questions about Rhonda and speculations about her trying to get pregnant at some time, etc. Cathe shut it down, saying that some of what was posted was incorrect information anyway. Also, I think it's perfectly alright to comment about what you observe and don't like about the workouts, but going on about how thin Rhonda is seems a bit personal.

I, for one, will stick with comments on the workouts themselves: I HATE the moog-syntesizer music with vocals provided via helium in the first 3-4 tunes of Body Blast. It doesn't make me want to move...unless you count making me want to move OUT OF THE ROOM where I don't have to listen to it anymore! I don't how/if I'm ever going to psych myself up to do this workout, because the music at the beginning is very DEmotivational. I guess in general, I prefer non-vocal music. And that tinny, electronic sound on these tunes drives me up the wall! I previewed this workout first of all, and was afraid that BK Howe (who mixed all the music) was going to do the same kind of thing throughout.

The "music off" option doesn't help here, as I'd find it difficult, if not impossible, to follow choreography unless the musical beat fits the moves exactly.

My gripe is over!

(And, yes, I did think some of the exercisers looked a bit orange in some of the workouts).
In my opinion of this series, Cathe, Lorraine, Brenda, & Jay have not looked more awesome. They always look so terrific and in better shape, if that is possible, each time I see them. However, Rhonda's ribs sticking out has been really noticeable from the workouts I have done so far. Cedie, on the other hand, while she is my favorite, does not look as in shape as she did in the Intensity Series. I also do not like her being so tan because her hair and skin color are too extreme against each other. Just my 2 cents.
I agree with Kathryn about the music. And what's up with that dance version of In the Living Years???? To me, that's like listening to an Irish jig at a funeral! Maybe I'm just being too sensitive--it is TTOTM, but that tune rubbed me the wrong way.

The workouts themselves are outstanding, but I also prefer non-vocal music.
whew - I was worried I was the only one with bad thoughts....I'm sorry but the tans look a little weird to me. and the music? I've only done legs and glutes so far but ich, Hall & Oates? bleh, I HATE that song!

Other than that - I LOVED the new moves and the routine. It was one new thing right after another - totally awesome!

I also think the options on the dvds are too cool! All the different mixes - the possibilities are endless!!!

Will try another one tomorrow; I just got my set yesterday! (sans the supersets - I got one of the mis-packaged ones with an extra TimeSaver - but I know SNM will come through for me!)

-Kelli :)
Man, I'm really sorry I started this thread! I have forever hated the threads that badmouth anyone and here I am starting one! I truly didnt mean anything by it. No matter what size anyone is, or what color their skin is, any tape by Cathe is well worth the price! The music isnt the best but the workouts are still kicking my butt! In fact, I just did Step, Jump and Pump and can't believe how badly it kicked my butt! No one would say I wasnt in good shape and yet I had to stop during hte lunges and also the planks! Humbling to say the least! Way to go CAthe!!!
I just wanted to point out that Seasun actually posts here sometimes. I think even fit bodies come in a lot of different shapes and sizes.

Boy, we do all have different observations. I LOVE all the music and I never noticed ANYONE looking orange in the vids and I have a very good TV! I thought everyone looked very healthy and fit.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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