Difference between Strength vs Endurance?


Can someone explain the difference between strength tapes vs endurance tapes? I'm not quite so sure I understand what endurance tapes would provide? What is the benefit?

I hope this doesn't sound dumb, but I got MIS and PH thinking they would be great strength tapes (I still do), and then I read that one or the other, or even both, are more endurance.

I am more beginner, so for me I know they will build strength. If anyone understands my questions, I'd appreciate understanding a little more about the difference.

Hi Kathy,
Great question. Endurance is more of how many times you can lift less than maximum weight. Strength is lifting maximum with less repetition. They both are closely connected, because by training one you can affect the other component. Cathe's PH, and MIS are endurance type, because of higher repetition and shorter rest period. Slow and heavy series are strength because of heavier, slower weight lifting with longer rest period. But even with PH and MIS if you do progressive increase in weight, as you improve, you are developing much strength.

Check this site out:


I think it will clear the difference for you even better.:)
Thanks alot!! i was beginning to think i wasn't going to get an answer, or maybe i was asking a really dorky question.

I wonder if I should get S&H? I am thinking maybe so, I read that it was on the boring side.

I'm going to check out the link you provided too, thanks again!

It's not a dorky question at all. I suspect the reason you haven't had many answers is simply that the question has been asked by many before you, and has been answered at length several times. I remember asking the same question myself not that long ago. Obviously, that does you no good. :) I would suggest doing an archive search on the word "endurance" or some other key word to review some of these responses. If I get a chance I will look through some of the earlier threads and send you a link.

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Hi again Kathy,
Dorky question??? NO WAY! Not asking it is maybe dorky!
S&H is a wonderful series. I find it the most useful and functional. I guess it depends on your definition of boring.
I lOVE it. Major step in increasing strength! I do it for three weeks every 2-3 months. Cathe has done a fantastic job with it. Have fun!:)
I suppose that's it, with SO many posts, it's probably a better idea to search before asking new questions, so as not to waste everyones time!

I do appreicate your response's. Thanks again :)

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