Difference between L&G and LL


Can anyone tell me the difference between LL and L&G? I have L&G and absolutely love it. is LL along the same line in terms of endurance, strength, variey, length, etc...

Which do you prefer?

LL is part of the CTX series, so the actual leg portion of the workout is shorter (about 35-40 min.) and the exercises are more traditional leg exercises, such as squats, forward and reverse lunges, static lunges, sit and stands, calf raises, etc. However, it is also more of an endurance workout, as is L&G. There is no floorwork for legs, although is does contain a fairly thorough Ab routine. It's fun, it's definitely challenging and will get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. It's a great workout, and just to hear Cather talk about "the new move, the low-ends!" is worth the price alone}(
If you are a clean, no-fuss kind of person you will like LL because there is no messing around with equipment at all. You can do the whole thing with one set of dumbells and a barbell more or less set at the same weight throughout.

LL is quick and dirty. I love it and although I own L&G, I have never done it because after previewing it, I just couldn't be bothered....

LL gets the job done and you will burn, and you still have time to go out and live your life.....

I did L&G yesterday, for the first time in a few months. UGH! The inner thigh work on the floor is just brutal. Of course, I'm doing it with 5lb. ankle weights. I should really lower that.

It sure is a fun one, though! My favorite is still PS Legs.
I'm a big fan of L&G. I especially like the 20 minute ankle weight workout when I am pressed for time. Since I am a runner, prone to knee issues, I really find the standing leg extensions beneficial for me. IMO, L&G is effective and fun.
Don't rule out LL just yet. I currently use L&G and LL each weekly.

I have been using L&G for several months, because I am a runner too and it has been great for strengthening the areas that help maintain proper running form.

I brought LL back into my rotation because I wanted some variety. LL has you lifting a little heavier on squats and plie squats, as well as static lunges. You also do more reps on several of the exercises with LL than L&G. LL moves very fast, no rest time and no weight changes.

I have to admit that I am seeing great changes in my legs by combining the two workouts. If I was only going to include one of them in my current rotation, I would choose LL.

I do remember LL being torturous when it first came out, but having done ME and L&G for so long, LL doesn't seem that bad. I am plannign on getting GS Legs and including it in a rotation with LL, L&G and ME.
L&G has more variety and better music but I will keep them both. They both give the lower body a nice workout but I have to say LL probably gives the most burn.

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