Difference between Interval Training and Circuit Traini...



What is the difference between Interval Training (like I see in the IMAX series) and then Circuit Training ? Is either one better than just straight cardio, like stepping ? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each ? I seem to be a little confused about all this.

Thank You !

Hi RGS424! It can get confusing since the names do get used interchangeably sometimes. When I use the term interval training, I refer to it as a cardio activity that has bursts of high intensity followed by bursts of recovery. The benefits of this type of training is that it improves your overall cardio capacity as well as burns more overall calories. This type of training is taxing to the body and should only be done once or twice a week so that the body has time to recover between workouts.

When I use the term circuit training, I am referring to cycles of cardio activity (say about 5 to 10 minutes) followed by cycles of weight training activity (say 5 to 10 minutes). The benefits of this type of training are that you can get cardio and strength work done in one workout and condition your body in ways that are not always so taxing on the joints. The disadvantage of this type of workout is that you really don't get a full dose of strength training or cardio conditioning per workout so it is best used as a bonus, supplement, or timesaver workout for the week.

Hope this helps!
RE: Difference between Interval Training and Circuit Tr...

It sure does help ! I have only been exercising several months so I am shying away from Interval Training for now. Which type of training is the best for burning off fat...seems like maybe Interval Training ?

Also, I LOVE all of your DVDs. They are very inspiring ! And I hope you are feeling better soon so that I can get the 4 DVDs I pre-ordered ! ;)
Cathe - can you then explain the difference between circuit workouts and the ones in the new 4 day split (where you do cardio, then strength) in terms of cardio conditioning and strength building?

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