dieting questions

I have no idea about that one.But I think on her get in shape for your wedding video that there may have been an eating plan at the end of the video.
But knowing cathe I would say that she probably eats lots of fruits and veggies and lean protein.
As far as I know, no. I think she always says she is not a nutritionist. I think she believes in clean eating... eating the least processed food, i.e. clean:apple, less clean:apple sauce; least clean: apple pie.

RE: I am not Cathe But....

I read a review of a book in Health magazine,and went out and bought the book. I highly recommend it. It is called Eat Drink And Be Healthy by Walter C. Willett, MD. The book is co-developed with the Harvard School of Public health. And it IS THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL GUIDE TO HEALTHY EATING.

If you are looking for a QUICK fix this is not the book. It is a lifestyle of eating. It promotes a clean style of eating in that it frowns upon highly processed foods. This book is based on solid research. I believe it can fit into weight reducing plans such as Weight Watchers points program. (I am a life-time WW member)

I urge people to read the book, which has its own food pyramid, and check in on the forum here with your reviews!

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: I am not Cathe But....

I like Willett's book too. He's one of the doctors working on the Nurse's study at Harvard. I love to read nutrition books and take the elements that suit my lifestyle from each. For me that means carbohydrates from mainly whole grain sources like whole wheat, whole oats, brown rice and such. Seven to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins like chicken, fish, egg whites and some soy products. For treats I keep dark chocolate on hand and have to have some ice cream occasionally.

Bobbi Chick's Rule!

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