Dietary question


New Member
First I want to say what an inspiration you are! You are all wonderful women, and I love every single workout. You always challenge me, and feel it the next day! I am a figure competitor. However, the past three years, I have taken time off, and I struggle with my diet. What are your recommendations? I know they have to be generalized, but I am use to a low (Very) carb, high protien diet. I am 43, and struggle with keeping my weight down, (I'm not overweight-but always struggle with 2-3 extra pounds, being 4'11", it's a noticable amount). The only diet I ever saw results with, was the extreme competition diet I followed. How do you stay so fit? Ever allow a cheat day for yourself? Would love any suggestions. Thank you again for everything that you do for us!
Sincerely, Cyndi (musclemom)
Hi, Cyndi!

I'm obviously not Cathe, but I wanted to suggest you take a look at Tosca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet." I feel the happiest I have ever felt about my eating habits on it, and she has been a fitness competitor herself. She even has what she calls a "cooler plan" for folks who need to get ready for a competition. I think it's definitely worth a glance!
Thanks Nivipa!
I have seen the book at B&N, I think my real issue is, I miss being so lean, but not eating so lean, so I'm trying to find that 'happy medium'. Still struggling to find that.
I invested in Clean Eating Magazine and Cooking Light Magazine. CE Mag is not as rigid as Tosca's Eat Clean, although they do share some commonalities. I bought the Clean Eating Comfort Food magazine, a special edition on sale through Jan 2012 and have been very impressed with the offerings. There are many recipes that I don't think Tosca would "approve" of, but it's clean and healthy and strikes a nice balance between moderation and healthy. Cooking Light has some good recipes, others are bland and blah. You can always clean them up further if you want or need, but again, it's a good balance.

Food Network Mag has some nice recipes too. Some are obviously a little rich with some ingredients, but it's all natural cooking. Modifications again can be made to suite your needs. I modifiy when I want to. Other times I don't and use it as a Cheat Meal or special occassion treat- like Mousse Cake which I only make once per year.

EDIT: While I haven't lost much weight, I have lost some crazy inches these past weeks. I've combine STS and Cleaner Eating and have dropped a jean size already. You don't have to be strict, bored, or deprived to see the results you want.

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