Hi Cathe! It is so wonderful to me that you actually check your web site and answer questions personally!! I have a question for you. There are so many types of "diets" out there. What ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats do you recommend or use yourself.
I guess that I should give you a little information about me. Unfortunately, I am a typical "pear-shape". I like to do your Interval Max tape and Tae Bo for cardio and your Pure Strength series for weights. I just ordered your MIS video and am anxious to receive it!!
I am not sure if you are comfortable giving pointers on diet, but I thought that I would give it a shot!
Thank you so much for your dedication to fitness and the peolple that enjoy your tapes!!!
Sincerely, Sara
I guess that I should give you a little information about me. Unfortunately, I am a typical "pear-shape". I like to do your Interval Max tape and Tae Bo for cardio and your Pure Strength series for weights. I just ordered your MIS video and am anxious to receive it!!
I am not sure if you are comfortable giving pointers on diet, but I thought that I would give it a shot!
Thank you so much for your dedication to fitness and the peolple that enjoy your tapes!!!
Sincerely, Sara