Diet Soda w/ NO artificial sweeteners!


So I'm thumbing through my new VegNews magazine and noticed that they've included this soda in their 'summer fun guide' section. The soda is called Steaz (made with teas - mostly, if not all green tea). They use organic ingredients and even make a diet version. The diet version still uses organic cane sugar - just much less. Anyway, here's the link if anyone's interested:

I've never tried it but I thought this might be of interest to some in lieu of other threads :)

thank you for the post. I just gave up diet soda 1 week ago and i must say i'm missing it but i want to stay away from artificial sweetners. this is a nice option.
Thanks for posting this!! I have to say I haven't been able to give up the sodas completely ( I have cut down though):) (As I sit here sipping my diet Dr. Peppper:-(

we have this at our Whole Foods store and I tried it but do not like it at all. It did not taste sweet and the flavors were not good. I was really bummed because I gave up artificial sweeteners 2 mos ago and am still looking for a good pop!
>we have this at our Whole Foods store and I tried it but do
>not like it at all. It did not taste sweet and the flavors
>were not good. I was really bummed because I gave up
>artificial sweeteners 2 mos ago and am still looking for a
>good pop!

Have you tried mixing some of your favorite juice with mineral water? I usually add around 1/4 cup of juice to a full glass of mineral water and I think it's pretty darn yummy. It's not calorie free but it's pretty low in calories.

yep- I tried that too. It was ok (nothing to write home about but not disgusting either ;) but that isn't something you can just grab and bring to work, etc. and work and the car are the two main places I miss my diet pop (although I have to admit I miss it FAR less now than I did the first two weeks!!)

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