Thank you very much amiga Jes,Tammy,Nancy, Kathryn and everyone here.I appreciate your words. My definition of clean eating limits the simple carbs and processed food as much as posible,uses low fat cooking techniques, and eliminates the junk fod. I will try to take a pic of myslef and post it.Nancy if I need your help I will send you a message. Now I have to search a beautiful dress and go to the hairdresser's. I want to look beautiful in my pic.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie.
Mariangeles! That is awesome! I know how hard you have been working since you joined this site. GOOD 4 U!!! Your hard work and commitment has paid off. Can't wait to see a pic of you, but...we already know how beautiful you ARE! Keep up the good work!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh my goodness, how long is it taking for me to get this in my head and really keep it there!!! You'd think I'd have figured this out when I really got started back in Jan. 03. I was approaching 50, weighed in at 204#, and felt every single year and pound! I got the eating under control, started working out, and have been working on this ever since. No, I'm not there yet myself, but I have finally come to realize this will be a war I'll be fighting the rest of my life (and that could be another 50 years!!!).

So, Mariangeles, you're so not alone. Thanks for bringing this up. It's so true...I love my Cathe's, but it does not make a bit of difference how hard I workout or how long...if I don't eat right, or just as importantly, watch HOW MUCH I eat, I won't lose these last pounds. I have to watch my eating, weigh myself every day to catch any pounds creeping on (yes, this helps me...I watch for trends!). So I know there's no workout "magic bullet"...only the workouts that work for my body type and proper eating:)

And congratulations on your progress, too, Mariangeles!!!
Mariángeles! Congratulations! But most important, congratulations on finding what works for YOU! That is also an important factor. You're right exercise and clean eating is key but also finding the right exercise that works with and for you and helps you get the results you want! :)

Thank you very much DebbieH,Lydia,Jo and everyone here. Lydia if I have lost the weight you can do it. There is not magic only work and compromise. You will do it.Debbie thank you very much. You are so sweet.Jo thank you very much too.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie. :) :)
Mariangeles, thank you so much for the reminder! Lately it seems that I've been using the excuse of exercising to over-splurge on desserts and other not-so-healthy foods. While I've been able to maintain my weight so far, I'm afraid that one day it will catch up with me! I'm also working on building my muscles, so I need to keep reminding myself the importance of not overindulging!
>Not to hi-jack this thread but what kind of body fat
>measurement are you doing? I've been thinking of buying

I use the Omron and I do have the caliper too. The caliper gives me a better reading so who knows...maybe my body fat is really 11%?

Bien hechos Mariangeles! Y gracias por compartir tu historia con nosotros. Hace mucho tiempo no he hablado espanol...pero...bueno, intento hablar.

Donde vives tu? Yo vivia en Madrid en 1989, me encanto Espana yo tengo ganas de volver pronto.(Yo ensaba Englis con los empleados de Telefonica Madrid y por eso no puedo hablar con fluencia....siempre yo hablaba en Englis!)



You are so right. And your success if proof! In the long run, not overtrainning will help a body and of course so will healthy eating habits! Thanks for sharing and keep posting. It will be nice to have a face to put with your name :)
Judy "Likes2bfit"

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