Diet, Diet, Diet, I know


I am just wondering if anyone has suggestions on any books that help you over that plateau level? For instance if you are tracking your bodyfat percentage and you are using a tape measure, so your bodyfat is inching down but your weight has gone up a few pounds, then what course should a person take? Do any of you know of a book that helps out in the various situations that take place when trying to lose weight? I know some people have suggested that maybe you need to zigzag your calories for a while. Any books that you have read that can help during these little setbacks?

I'm confused?

I'm confused? Aren't you happy that your body fat percentage went down? That is a marker of better health, more so than what you weigh? I always encourage my clients to go by what their bodyfat is to see if they are on track rather than what the scale says. To me it doesn't sound like you are plateauing, it sounds as though you've put on some muscle and burned some fat (which is awesome) and since muscle is denser weight than fat the scale might show some poundange. That is good! That is normal! If it keeps going up and up and up then I would get concerned, but if you are losing inches and losing bodyfat, then don't worry about the scale! Your body fat and your clothes are the biggest marker of healthy fat loss!
In regards to books or suggestions, I would recommend finding out if your are eating to balance your hormones as hormones play a huge part in weight loss and weight gain and I recommend Jillian Michaels Master Your Metabolism book to understand these complex hormones. Suggestions would be not to cut calories, but if you've put on muscle you may actually need more calories as muscle is hungry and needs protein! This may actually help you burn more fat!
I am just wondering if anyone has suggestions on any books that help you over that plateau level? For instance if you are tracking your bodyfat percentage and you are using a tape measure, so your bodyfat is inching down but your weight has gone up a few pounds, then what course should a person take? Do any of you know of a book that helps out in the various situations that take place when trying to lose weight? I know some people have suggested that maybe you need to zigzag your calories for a while. Any books that you have read that can help during these little setbacks?


You might like Tom Venuto's information. He has an ebook Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle that specifically addresses what you are talking about.
How about Leigh Peele's ebook The Fat Loss Troubleshoot. It was helpful to me. Also, sometimes there is a lag between when our size goes down and the weight loss shows up on the scale.

Try switching your meals around. Have breakfast for lunch or dinner and vice versa. I know, its weird, but thats the idea. Your body is not expecting it.
How long is your plateau? I weigh every day because I am not freaked out by weight fluctuations and sometimes get caught in short plateaus. I broke out of one by eating a much smaller dinner than normal due to circumstances and the next day I was down a pound. Also, I acknowledged I was "cheating" on my food log and that wasn't helping. I figured I wasn't logging all my exercise (I skipped logging the dog walks), so I could take some bites here and there and not log them, either. That was not helping my cause. Honesty has gotten me back on track.

I do informal cycling of calories, sometimes just having a higher calorie day when I seem to need it, but the cycling of calories lower seemed to help me, too. I normally eat about 1500 cals and that day probably ate 1200-1300. A higher cal day is about 1800 or so. I'm just trying to lose a few pounds and it's been working pretty well. I log on myfitnesspal. Good luck to you!
Wow! Thanks to all of you who replied, I got good information and good advice. I knew I could depend on this forum for solid information.


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