I've started to experiment lately with different ways of eating. I have stayed on a low-fat (high sugar) low-cal diet most of my adult life. I have always had a problem with very low energy and moodiness. When I recently read somewhere on this website that Cathe used to be exactly the same way, I stood up and took notice. Cathe mentioned a few things she did to change her diet, but didn't go into much detail. I've been eating less sugar and more protein and fat and have been gaining weight. :-( Does anyone know of an eating plan that can give you more energy and stabilize mood swings, while keeping you lean all at the same time?
Learning how to eat right is just too important and too complicated for me to attempt on my own. I don't want a specific day-by-day meal plan, so much as guidelines I can live with for the rest of my life. I need a plan that is as easy and fun as a Cathe workout. Anyone got any ideas that might help me? Thanks.
Learning how to eat right is just too important and too complicated for me to attempt on my own. I don't want a specific day-by-day meal plan, so much as guidelines I can live with for the rest of my life. I need a plan that is as easy and fun as a Cathe workout. Anyone got any ideas that might help me? Thanks.