diet coke quit because...


because of 3 reasons
pure water instead of carbonated

i don't understand what carbonated water just know water is better so i was hoping someone could explain it to me and
my favorite drink now is Lipton diet Green Tea with Citrus which has aspartame so does that mean i shouldn't be drinking it? does Green Tea have caffein in it?

way to go!

Personally, I try not to drink/eat too much that has artificial sweeters like aspartame, splenda,... but that me. Yes, I do believe that green tea has caffeine, but they do make decaffienated versions. I have 2 boxes of green tea, and 1 is non-caffeinated, but the other one doesn't say, so I'm assuming that was does have it in.
I also avoid artificial sweeteners (and I include Splenda in that, even though the manufacturers try to convince us it's 'natural"). Green tea does have caffeine, but less than coffee. White tea has less caffeine, and you can always get decaf versions of teas.

A fourth reason for not drinking diet coke:
Absolutely no nutritional value, and full of artificial ingredients (color, flavor, sweeteners).
If I never had anything with artificial sweetener in it then I would be cheating every single day with food and drink. I personally feel I need some substitute for sugar every now and then. I do drink diet coke too, but not often.

Diet soda's may be sugar free...but they are still bad for your teeth.
so how is carbonated water different from pure water? i looked it up on the internet and could not understand it.


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