Diet changes + your results?


New Member
I was wondering if anyone has changed something in their diet (like, reducing bread or sweets) and noticed a significant change? How long did it take to change?

I'm just curious because I only want to lose 5-10lbs that I've had forever (no big deal though). I exercise consistently, but I eat a lot of junk food and carby foods.

RE: Diet changes your results?

I recently started using to REALLY track my diet. I have switched to whole grains across the board including pasta and tortillas.

With the exception of an occasional meal out, when I don't really worry too much about anything but not eating too much, I eat fruit and veggies and drink lots of water and avoid empty calories. I dropped 7 pounds very painlessly and feel great!

I have eased up my dietary standards during the Holidays but I'll return to my stricter regimen in a few days. The daily writing down of every food I eat has really helped. Being mindful and thinking about how I want to fuel my life has been a real boost.

I eat wonderful nutritious meals so I am not in any way deprived. I use monounsaturated fats like olive and safflower and canola oil as well as small amounts of butter. I eat lean meats like chicken and fish. Most important is I am aware of what goes in and how it affects my overall health and my waistline! I never go on a "diet" but rather have adapted to a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced nutritious food plan and plenty of exercise.

There's nothing forbidden either. Last night I ate a decadent desert but I'll balance that with healthy choices today.

It was nothing radical. I have eaten healthily for a long time. I just adjusted things a bit and I love the results!

Good luck in YOUR endeavors!

I strongly agree with Bobbi. When I changed to eating only whole grains instead of processed carbs I dropped those last 5 lbs. I didn't go the lo-carb route, I just switched to healthy complex carbs. Whole wheat pasta and brown rice for example. My running performance improved greatly because complex carbs are your energy sources. I never eat fried foods (they are super awful for you) but I lots of fiber, lean protein, mono-fats like Bobbi mentioned, and of course fruits, veggies & water. Cutting out the junk food (ie chips, sugar) makes a huge difference especially calorie-wise

Have you tried adding up the calories of the junk food you consume?

I got into a terrible habit of snacking on Japanese mochi cakes before bedtime. I finally checked the calorie content and found that it was 300 for one tiny little cake. I would sometimes eat TWO!!!

I made a conscious effort to put unprocessed food in my mouth whenever possible and I lost about 5-6 lbs in 3 weeks.
I feel like a broken record sometimes, trying to push food journals and Weight Watchers. But here I go again.....this is a (if there can really be such a thing) PAINLESS way to watch your eating. Also, please check out the newest issue of Prevention mag which features the newest book by Dr. Shapiro who wrote the "Picture Perfect Weight Loss"....he has a new book which is an actual 30 day plan.

Whatever you do, it should be a long-term change that you can live with, otherwise you'll gain weight back. Save your junk food for just one day a week, and don't give it up entirely.
Have you tried TOPS ?

Take Pounds Off Sensibly ? I like the fact that their approach is non-commercial. I would love to hear from someone who has tried them.
RE: Have you tried TOPS ?

I belonged YEARS ago....back during the second NIXON administration! I could not get back to a "normal" weight after my second son was born, so I joined TOPS. It's a support group that does not push any particular diet, and some members used it as a social group, never losing any weight. I lost weight on my own, and just used the group to weigh in. If I had it to do over I'd join Weight Watchers, no question. Of course, WW has changed a lot over the years. That's the route I'd go now.
FitDay - yes!

I also wanted to second Bobbi's suggestion at using FitDay's website. It's excellent!! I started tracking my fat/carbs/protein ratio as well as vitamins and it's just great. You can also track your fitness to see how any calories you're burning. It really keeps me from eating those extra snacks or bites that add up, you know? I'm able to keep my calories at 1800-2000 which is exactly what I need, plus I can make sure I'm getting the carbs I need to run & protein I need to build muscle. It's great!


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