Did MIS yesterday for the first time......


I did MIS yesterday for the first time. I really liked it. I need to go heavier on the leg section. My chest is soooooooooooooo sore today. I went for a run this morning and did some ball work for the legs after. I am starting to feel sore on the lower half now. I usually have soreness on day #2. My chest muscles hurt so bad today when I was going for my run. I'm gonna do MIS on Thursday as well. I plan on buying Power Hour in the near future. I will probably do one day of MIS and one day of PH. I do Body Max on Wednesdays. I use lighter weights on this tape since I am going to do heavier on the MIS and PH days. I have been doing weights on my own...without any tapes, but I was getting so bored with this. I am so glad I got MIS. This is the first time I feel sore after doing weights for a really long time. It feels great.

Not fair now I want MIS too. I did Power Hour today and went heavier on some of the exercises. The next tapes I buy will be MIS and Cardio Kicks and I am seriously thinking of getting BodyMax too. Do you think it will kill me? I have Power Hour and Circuit Max now and I love them both. A little soreness is good means you worked the muscle. So glad that you liked your tape and like I said now I want it more than ever.
Hi Annette -- I have Body Max also....not sure if I mentioned that above. I really like it. Cathe says that workout is more for indurance (sp?..my mind just went blank on that word...ever have that happen?), not so much strength and definition. It is great workout. You can do it all at once...about 90 minutes worth...or break it up. I have broke it up a few times. The step routine is a little fast paced...some people have posted as to this. Tomorrow will be my fourth time doing it. It gets a little easier to do the routine each time you do it. The first time I did it, I was a little frustrated with it. But like all of Cathe's videos, it isn't hard to catch onto the routine. The circuit section is a killer. You do like 5-6 minutes of step...very basic moves...then do some lower body then go back to some step then lower body. It is a killer. The upper body is a great workout also. I would really recommend this tape. I use it as an extra cardio workout and consider the weight section a light lifting day. I only use light weights with this tape. I doubt you would be sorry buying it. I think there is one on eBay for auction right now as a matter of fact. Search for Cathe Friedrich and you'll find it.


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