I did MIS yesterday for the first time. I really liked it. I need to go heavier on the leg section. My chest is soooooooooooooo sore today. I went for a run this morning and did some ball work for the legs after. I am starting to feel sore on the lower half now. I usually have soreness on day #2. My chest muscles hurt so bad today when I was going for my run. I'm gonna do MIS on Thursday as well. I plan on buying Power Hour in the near future. I will probably do one day of MIS and one day of PH. I do Body Max on Wednesdays. I use lighter weights on this tape since I am going to do heavier on the MIS and PH days. I have been doing weights on my own...without any tapes, but I was getting so bored with this. I am so glad I got MIS. This is the first time I feel sore after doing weights for a really long time. It feels great.