Did i-train raise their prices?

>IA--this is a drastic leap!
>I signed up for the yearly membership shortly before the price
>increase. Will I still get 3 credits per month? And if I
>don't use 'em, do I lose 'em?


Yes, you get 3 downloads per month and if you don't pick 3 in any given month, they will rollover for you. You won't lose them! :)
Personally, I don't mind paying the money for CCs because at least they have a breakdown for each workout. That is what gets me with itrains. At the lower prices I didn't mind not knowing, but with the higher prices at least let me make an informed decision by having a workout breakdown.
>Personally, I don't mind paying the money for CCs because at
>least they have a breakdown for each workout. That is what
>gets me with itrains. At the lower prices I didn't mind not
>knowing, but with the higher prices at least let me make an
>informed decision by having a workout breakdown.

I must be a sick pup cause I kinda like the element of surprise! LOL }(

CC just doesn't do it for me. I did one once and while it was a good work out, I didn't enjoy it the way I enjoy the ITrains. I wasn't fond of the music or the imagery (sp?) Sean used during the work out. I also like being given numberic suggestions that I can adjust instead of zones for my work outs. JMHO ofcourse!
>I also like being given numberic
>suggestions that I can adjust instead of zones for my work

That's exactly the reason why I prefer iTrains too. But I know a bunch of people who prefer Cardio Coach because they use perceived exertion. To each his own!!! :)


>I also like being given numberic
>suggestions that I can adjust instead of zones for my work
>outs. JMHO ofcourse!

But this is where I get confused. I use iClimbs from time to time with my elliptical and, even though Keith gives numbers, it's still a scale of perceived exertion. He uses a scale of 1 to 10 and each person decides what those numbers are for themselves. CC uses levels from 1 to 4, which I find easier to comprehend.

Maybe it's different with the iTreads. I don't have a dreadmill so I've never downloaded one of Grace's workouts, but Keith definitely uses perceived exertion, just with a different scale.

Also, I like that CC allows for more customization of the workout. You can mix and match all the different challenges, or if you don't feel like intervals, you can put together all the steady state tracks.

Again, I like iClimbs, too, and I do use them, but when Keith gives you a number, it's still based on perceived exertion.;)
>But this is where I get confused. I use iClimbs from time to
>time with my elliptical and, even though Keith gives numbers,
>it's still a scale of perceived exertion. He uses a scale of 1
>to 10 and each person decides what those numbers are for
>themselves. CC uses levels from 1 to 4, which I find easier to
>Maybe it's different with the iTreads. I don't have a
>dreadmill so I've never downloaded one of Grace's workouts,
>but Keith definitely uses perceived exertion, just with a
>different scale.

You're right--I completely forgot that Keith uses perceived exertion! I haven't done an iClimb in a long time--I've gotten slightly obsessed with iTreads! ;)

I don't like Keith's scale of 1-10. If I had to pick, I'd choose Sean's 1-4 over Keith's larger scale. I really clicked with the iTreads because Grace gives you actual speeds and I love that. Keith has to use PE though because iClimbs can be used with so many different cardio machines and they all have different scales, whereas Grace knows all her people are using treadmills so she can stick to the speeds.

Excellent point, though. Like, I said I'd completely forgotten about Keith's PE scales......


Personally, I find I push myself harder with when Grace or Keith gives me the "numbers', rather than perceived exertion, which I can "fudge" on!:) I guess I am naturally lazy and like to have someone tell me how fast to go.
It's all just some hideous, diabolical mind game -- that's what it is!! :p :7

And I STILL hate cardio as much as ever! ;)
>I confess to having a few different email addresses to take
>advantage of the freebies. Bargain Beavs strikes again! :7

Sshhhhhh, I do too.
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