Did anyone start with Joyce Vedral and then Cathe


Active Member
I have Joyce Vedral tapes and I am wondering if anyone on this board has done her workouts or is alternating her workouts with Cathe. How do the two compare with weight training results and fat loss?:)
I started with Joyce Vedral and then started doing Cathe. I switched because Joyce's leg workouts weren't working for me. i saw little or no change in my leg, hip butt area. I saw wonderful results in my arms, back chest and abs - but nothing in legs. In fact, i still use Joyce for arms and some ab work - because they are shorter workouts and can fit into my schedule better.

as for legs, my results with Cathe haven't been much better. I still have a squishy butt and no real improvement in my hamstrings. I do PLB, ME and PS legs - to no avail. I'm now considering PO9X - but don't have the $$ yet.

Do you do Joyce? Have you tried her newer workouts? If they are good, I'd consider buying one or two.
I just started a month ago with Weight Training made easy. I have not tried the newer tapes, I have heard they are very good...I am in the same boat as you, when I get some $$ I will probably purchase them. I have the same problem with my lower body, its hard for me to lose fat and tone my legs and rear. Do you go heavy on Cathe's workouts?:)
When I am well, which now I'm not ( won't get into it - long story) - I usually do two upper body and try to do three lower body workouts a week plus cardio. the upper body, I'll do Joyce's definition or bottoms up - or i'll mix them around a bit - sometimes doing the full pyramid with bottoms up etc. OR, I'll do Muscle Endurace, just upper.

the lower body with Cathe - I mix up. I try to get two pyramid lower body workouts a week and then I may do PS legs or Legs and Glutes. Sometimes, I'll throw in Muscle Endurace - lower body only. I switch routines every five weeks or so. I've been doing this since January and hate to say I've seen little results in my legs. my arms and abs just keep getting better though. I have been sick a lot since January (again, another issue) and have taken a few weeks off here and there. Once I'm all better, I'll go back to Cathe and Joyce and will consider PO9X once $$ comes in. Or, I'll consider Joyce's new workouts - just Butt or just thighs. Have you heard from any Joyce fans about those? she stopped her board and I can't afford to pay for access to her board so I feel really out of the loop in terms of her new workouts!
I was on video fitness the other day and someone there was telling about the new Joyce tapes and the format. She has not been doing the workouts very long to judge the results from them but seems to like them better than some of the older tapes. I'll bet once you get feeling better you will sore on results. I hope you feel better soon and thank you for answering my post.:)
Joyce's new workouts are all great. She is lifting at a much slower pace and doesn't go through the routine at lightening fast speed. I really enjoy these newest workouts! If you like Joyce these are must haves.
I'm glad to hear that her new workouts are good. the other leg ones - she'd move far too fast to be able to lift heavy! her deadlifts were so fast - i couldn't keep up with heavy weights....which is probably why I didnt' see any changes. I'll consider her new workouts. but I'm really excited about PO9X and will consider that too once I have a few extra $$ and I'm healthy. Which ones of her new workouts are you doing? Have you seen results
I am so glad I found this board. I have only been on the weight training made easy program a month. I am starting to see some definition in my upper body. I hope to see allot in my lower body as well. I like Cathe's style as well and think I will be very happy rotating workouts. How do any of you rotate Cathe and Joyce videos? :)

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