Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?

I was in Naples Italy during the Richter Scale 7 earthquake in '81.

Thousands died, homeless. No looting, no raping just neighbors helping neighbors.

Must be a US thing.

as "pogo" said "we have met the enemy and they are us"

I did not see the Oprah show. But I did read enough and saw enough. It really made me sick. Like others post here, there is no justification to hurt people, especially those precious little one by escuse of stress. I have 15 months old, every time I heard something about children in that mad place, I can't help but thinking about my baby. Who in the world wants to do such things to hurt baby? And Why????

Every political foreces are pointing fingers to each other. But I trully think this is not the race case, this is more class case. Government should really raise tax from those top 5 rich to educate people, provide means for people to live. If you being raised like a humnan beings, you won't behave like an animal.

I agree welfare should not become a source for lazy people. But some people just don't have anything to start with and don't have a right environment.




Sure! I didn't grasp what the conditions were for those in the Superdome. I pictured it like I have seen it on TV... full of light... cheering crowds. I am sure I still don't fully grasp it.

Excuse me, Dave, but the vast majority of this country is neighbors helping neighbors right now. The rapers and looters are a small, but dreadful criminal element, who probably had a criminal mindset before this tragedy ever happened. Please don't lump the entire US population in with them.

I agree that this country is not represented by the small percentage of criminals we have heard about in NO. I watched Part 2 today. It is heartwrenching, please know I recgonize the gravity of this! It is good to see kindness though. They told the story of an anesthesiologist who stayed behind with 50 dogs, 18 (?) cats, and 2 hamsters... he promised to no abandon the animals. He cared for these animals for 5 days, please correct me if I am wrong. The helicopter that was to rescue him and the animals crashed, thankfully no one was injured. Matthew McConaughey and some others rescued them and some of the animals were reunited with their owners. They also showed two volunteers painting the toenails of a group of little girls... something so simple. It was heartwarming to see human kindness. I have heard reports of people opening their homes to strangers; people giving money, time, and goods; St. Louis has raised over $5 million last I heard from one of the local TV stations; NYFD arrived in NO; other FD are there or en route. This is just skimming the surface.

I didn't see the show yesterday but heard about it. I meant to watch the replay but totally forgot. But I taped it for today.

It's truly sad what has become of all this. Like Wantfit said, all the politicians are pointing the finger at each other assessing blame. They just need to help the people NOW and they can blame each other later.

There are over 200,000 evacuees in Texas. My town, which is about 75,000 was reported to have 25,000 come in. I work infront of the Dept. of Health and Human Svcs (Welfare) and it's been packed. It's packed on any normal day, but even more with the evacuees.

Some folks have taken in families, many who have vacant houses/apartments are taking them in. There was a Super Wallyworld built behind the old Wallyworld, it was scheduled to be demolished this month to build a Sams Club. So they have it as a makeshift shelter for now. We have one homeless shelter in the whole County and they took in about 39 folks (individuals/families). Their new building can hold about 200. If it was their old building they wouldn't have room.

Most want to stay here, but others say they'll return.
I did not imply that all of us are like that. I just have a hard time with the thought that every disaster, every power outage, every excuse these maggots come out and feast on society. I also wonder why it happens here and not other places.

Our officials were and are always hesitant to declare martial law, respectful to our constitution. If some of these looters, shooters and rapists were just "shot first, questioned later". I bet the next disaster would be different. The helplessness that the police inside and outside the Superdome felt drove some to turn in badges at least two to commit suicide.

A person raiding a food store is one thing, but when I see pictures of people raiding pawn and gun shops, electronics and liquor stores I have little sympathy. Put the troops on the ground and shoot first.

The sniper that was on the roof next door firing at the hospital that was being evacuated should have been taken out by a helicopter gunship! Maybe my solution would be overkill but the perps of this bad stuff would get the message and they would stop.

I am impressed by the outpouring of support from other countries. To see Cuba offering assistance was amazing.
It happens here more than other places because the punishment for them is not harsh enough. In the Mid-East and some european countries, if you steal, your hand or fingers would be cut off. If you spoke against the gov't or those in power, your tongue will get cut off. Some people were put to death for stealing as well. I personally think we should go back to the old-fashioned punishment. The eye for an eye, tooth for tooth punishment. Perhaps Americans would think twice about stealing or anything else. Besides, last year or the year before, there was a major looting in Iraq so America is not really the only country that loots. Besides, other countries really enforce their laws especially with crimes. We're not strict enough which annoys me.

Besides, I don't watch Oprah. I personally think she's a hypocrite and she bores me.


you are impressed that castro, a tyrant who has amassed a huge personal fortune on the backs of his broken and oppressed population, offers help to the US??? do you think thats nice normal taxpayer money collected in an orderly fashion from the nice paychecks his hardworking people get every week? he destroyed what was once one of the jewels of this hemisphere to get that money he so blithely offers--will liberals never be ashamed of their admiration for him?

also " I just have a hard time with the thought that every disaster, every power outage, every excuse these maggots come out and feast on society. " EVERY dave??? not really NOTHING like this happened when all of downtown NY evacuated after 9/11. you know exactly where and when it happens, and that uncomfortable feeling you are describing is called "CRIMETHINK"

i reiterate, 75% of the people of new orleans got out fine, the 25% that were left were completely government dependant projects dwellers and the prison population that the NO government just unbelievably let loose because they had no other plan regarding what to do with them in case of an emergency. the only thing their plight reflected was the corrupt mismanagement of our major cities by third world style, nepotistic democrat political machines, i.e.--philadelphia, detroit, washington, DC. the notion that those people reflected ANYTHING about "us" is ludicrous, neurotic, and quite frankly offensive leftist anti-american twaddle.
I didn't watch Oprah, and I'm glad I didn't. Images like that stick with me for too long, and I don't need any more reason to believe in man's inhumanity to man.

It's especially heartbreaking when children and animals suffer: they don't understand what is going on, and are unable to fend for themselves.

What is it with the snipers? Can someone explain to me? Who are they?

Why would anyone take pleasure in shooting people evacuating a hospital? Some people don't deserve their spot in the human race.

Now, if they would start shooting at each other, that's more like it.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that horrific acts have and are happening in the aftermath of Katrina. I am a bit saddened that the news programs, talk shows, etc are focusing so much on the horrors. I believe this is a detriment to all of the good deeds that are being done by strangers for strangers. In our society though, bad news sells. They are talking about a very small percentage of the population that are doing these terrible deeds. Yet some blanket statements made by people (in this very thread even) tend to blame the whole US, or humanity even, for the acts of a few. We should not be defined, as humans, as United States citzens, by what a small percentage of lunatics do. We should be outraged by them! How we come together and what we do to prevent this kind of thing in the future is what should define us.
Excuse me: to which European countries do you refer when you state that Europeans punish crimes by cutting off hands?

I hope you have your facts straight.

There is so much wrong with your post, I hardly know where to begin. You now, this forum really isn't the place for unleashed poltical rantings. Save it for the polling stations.

Hate to remind you but your current commander in chief is no democrat and yes, he holds the reins of power, even over New Orleans.

I'm not talking about England if that's what you are worried about. There are other countries in Europe. I know Italy, Poland, England, France, etc doesn't do those punishment. Why don't you try to relax?? No one is attacking England, ok?
Not really. The mayor and the governer especially holds power over New Orleans more than Bush. Besides, there were tons of political rants before this thread and I didn't see you saying anything. This is an Open Forum.
Clare isn't the only European on these forums.

As a European, I'd like to know what European countries cut of hands? Or cut out tongues? Where do you get your information? To be clear, any member of the European Union has to agree to uphold human rights. Your not allowed to be a member of the European Union if you don't. Hence, Turkey's problems to become a member.

And as a European, name one European country where they execute the death sentence? (Or still have the death sentence?)

I think you may want to look at it from a different perspective? Maybe your punishing so harshly, criminals won't stop at nothing, cause they'll be executed anyway.

clare , perhaps as a european you do not know how the united states government is constituted. we are a federal republic of states, with the individual state governments primarily responsible for the governance of those states, the federal government is a secondary source of funding for projects, cleanups, rescues, etc--NOT the primary source.

the president of the united states is the presiding officer over the executive branch of our government. he puts the final signature on legislative activity and spending bills arising from the house and senate (though he also floats his own bills, they must go through the house and senate and get back to him through the regular legislative process to be signed into law), the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, appoints our embassadors and deals with our foreign policy. he is not a king, dictator, father or ultimate authority on almost any aspect of our government--he is at all times checked by the legislative and judicial branches of the government and constrained by the constitution. apparently you just do not understand the layers of procedure that, rightly, must be gone through in order for the federal government to act in what is essentially a state matter.

also, if you do not believe it is "political" for the person i was addressing to praise the repellent kleptocracy of cuba's symbolic offer while asserting that the behavior of some repulsive criminals in the aftermath of the hurricaine was ANY reflection of "us" as a nation, then i am at a loss to understand just what you think "political" means. i wouldnt allow someone to say it in the street without a comment from me in passing and i wont read it in the "open forum" without the same reaction

>Clare isn't the only European on these forums.
>As a European, I'd like to know what European countries cut of
>hands? Or cut out tongues? Where do you get your information?
>To be clear, any member of the European Union has to agree to
>uphold human rights. Your not allowed to be a member of the
>European Union if you don't. Hence, Turkey's problems to
>become a member.
>And as a European, name one European country where they
>execute the death sentence? (Or still have the death
>I think you may want to look at it from a different
>perspective? Maybe your punishing so harshly, criminals won't
>stop at nothing, cause they'll be executed anyway.

As far as I know Belarus still has capital punishment. Isn't that Europe? There may be other Eastern European countries as well. Also, the US is not really the country to use as a yard stick as to whether the death penalty is successful in stopping crime. Criminals sit on "death row" for many many years, files court appeals, etc. I think to judge its efficacy we'd have to see what happens when the death penality punishment is carried out in a more swift and sure fashion, say within a few days of conviction. Just my thoughts.


No Clare, our commander-in -chief does not hold the reins of power over New Orleans nor any other state in the union. Each state is supposed to be responsible for their own. The bureaucratic structure of the federal government is too large to handle every crisis or problem that comes up in each and every state.

You are right about one thing, though. GB most definitely is not a democrat. The US is not a democrat nation. We are a republic and there's a big difference between the two governments.


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