DH eating issues

Oh, no, Rose are you kidding? Well, fortunatly my DH hates commercials, so he'll pay it no mind.

I really think that the food you're raised with is very important. My mother-in-law was a wonderful woman and a wonderful nursery school teacher. When she died her school gave her a memorial service and half of Long Island showed up. She was a really good Mom, who encouraged my DH to follow his interests, even though she didn't understand any of the technical stuff he was interested in. I loved her dearly. But when it came to cooking, she should have just hired someone. She was working full time, had no interest in food or cooking, and was miserable at it. All three kids grew up highly suspicious of food and with a very limited repetoire of things they are actually willing to put in their mouths. Trying to undo all of those years of "training" is sure not easy!

You'll find a solution don't worry. I just hope your DH understands that you want him to eat well because you love him and you care about his health and not because you want to change him. Good luck.
I also have been thinking of this as a gender issue. I think women have something up there that tells us our bodies are responsible for others' lives... so we automatically do our best to preserve our health in the event we ever become pregnant. This may sound odd. But, I know it's a little voice I hear all the time in my head. I don't know what I would find myself eating without it. }(

And because I believe it's a gender thing, I don't expect it to ever go away, even if I never have kids.
I dunno about that - there are LOTS of women who neglect their health, too. I don't really think the female gender is a whole lot better. Men & women are alike when they pick the Twinkies over the salad, or the couch over the treadmill. It's natural to pick the "feel-good" or the "taste good" stuff.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
There may be a gender component, but my brothers are just as obsessed with healthy eating as my parents were. And both of DT's parents were clueless and died too young because they didn't pay attention to preventative health. I think that family influences play a very important role.

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