Devil Dog Trifle recipe?


New Member
Does anyone here have the recipe? I thought I'd seen it
posted here a while back. I tried to do a search, but came
up empty. I'd appreciate your help!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-01 AT 04:20PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-01 AT 04:19 PM (Est)[/font]

I have a similar recipe for "Death by Chocolate." It's made with brownies, but you could substutue Devil Dogs.

I brownie mix
1/2 c. kahlua
1 pkg choclate pudding, large size - NOT INSTANT
1- 12 oz. container Cool Whip
2 Heath Bars, chopped
Chopped Walnuts
1. Prepare brownie mix using the recipe for "cake-like" brownies.

2. While still warm and in the baking pan, poke brownies with a fork.

3. Pour all of the Kahlua over the baked brownies.

4. Prepare chocolate pudding according to instructions and refrigerate until slightly set.

5. Use half of the pan of brownies and line the bottom of a glass serving bowl. ( do not crumble them, but try to get pieces as large as possible).

6.Press lightly up the sides of the bowl.

7. Cover with half of the chocolate pudding; then half of the Cool Whip.

8. Sprinkle with 1 chopped Heath Bar

9. Repeat layers with remaining ingredients.

10. Top with the Walnuts.

Just what exactly ARE Devil Dogs? Maybe I'm dense but I don't think I've ever seen them....sound yummy though!
If you are in the area of the country that has Hostess products, I think the Devil Dogs are like the Ding Dongs.
George..couldn't find it either....

But since I made it up;-)...let me help you:D

Man, I searched and searched in the archives and couldn't find it anywhere...and there's tons of posts around that time too...:-hmmm

Anyway, the orginal was made for about 40+ people so you'll just have to get an idea of how much you want to use for each ingredient.

If you were to do a regular sized trifle for a small gathering you would probably need:

1 Box of Devil Dogs (crumbled up by hand...the more you eat, the less goes into the trifle;-)) Any plain old cake will do too.

1 tub of Cool Whip...size of tub depends on how much you love coolwhip and how fluffy you want it.

Expresso Powder (optional) I like to add a touch to the pudding for extra flavor.

Pudding of choice and my favorite is the Jello Instant White Chocolate. Once again, one or two boxes depending on how puddin'ee you want it. Don't forget to add in the expresso powder here.

Heath Bar bits. You can buy heath bars, freeze them and break them up if you want..or buy the bag in the cooking section. You more than likely won't need the whole bag for a small batch. As yummy as these don't want to over kill on the crunch..just need it for a little accent. But once again...personal choice;-).

When making a huge batch that requires a few boxes of devil dogs and a ton of pudding/coolwhip, the best way to put this together is by loading the cool whip and pudding into individual big ziplock bags and snip off a bottom corner to make a big pastry bag..then just alternate all your ingredients(cake stuff/wet stuff/crunch stuff) into your bowl.

And if you went with too much pudding, like two boxes..just add what you think would be good to the trifle...and stick the rest in small cups for a later treat. As Emiril would's not rocket science.

We did this desert for Cathe on a road trip a couple years ago and filled a baby bath tub with it...topped it off with cool whip and floated some rubber ducks on the's a cute shower idea....if I do say so myself;-).

I love trifles...they are great for any occasion and they are quick, easy and you can basically do what you want with just need the basics..cake, whip cream, pudding and fun extras.

Hope that helps:)
RE: George..couldn't find it either....

Thanks, Nancy! I love trifles, too. One of my Bakeoff recipes is a trifle. Very easy like this one.
RE: George..couldn't find it either....


You guys are great. Thanks for sharing your recipes.

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