

I was wondering if anyone has tried a detoxifier, or a colon cleanser? I have read alot about them, so I bought one. I asked my doctor about it, and she really did not talk to highly of the whole thing. I personaly do not know if it even works, or just how safe it is. Has anyone had any experiences with this??? I could really use some advice!!! Thanks, Aimee.
Hi Aimee,

I don't know how many of the same "educated crowd" are still around from a year or so ago, but I posted basically this same question and I was talked out of trying the "cleansing" thing. The arguments were pretty overwhelming against it.
If you do a search, maybe under the title of something like "colon cleansing" you may be able to pull it up. But I remember several people telling me the dangers of disrupting the natural bacteria that is suppose to be present in our colons and how the weight loss behind cleaning out the colon was exaggerated.
I'm sorry I don't remember more clearly the details, I just remember the argument was stronger against it.


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