Desperatly need a running/Cathe rotation


If anyone could share with me a running Cathe rotation I'd be most grateful. I have the Blast Series, Intensity Series, Gym Style Series and I have add ons of Core & Stretch, 10 10 abs and the Basic Fusion Body Blast DVD's.
I feel like I'm losing ground starting to run all over again cardio and strength wise, from not having a rotaton to follow.
I've built up to walk running 3 miles 3x a week and plan on only running 3 to 4 miles at a time.
I'm desperate. I've gained 8 lbs since Feb. and can't fit into my spring/summer pants.
I want to add running in for times I'll be away from home this summer and need to have a workout on the road.

You can do just about any rotation that Cathe has. All you have to do is sub in running anytime she lists something as steady state cardio. Or if you don't want to run, you can use whatever workout she has specified.

You also need to be sure to do various types of cardio workouts. In otherwords be sure to include intervals, hills, as well as steady state.

Be sure not to neglect your weight workouts in the process.

Hope this helps...Hang in there.

Hi Marietta.

I was afraid of losing the strenght & flexibility from Cathe's step workouts and overwhelmed by rotation choices.

I've been doing the Kick Boxing workouts along Pyramid Upper & Pyramid Lower with beginning running for the past 3 weeks but feel like I need something more.

I am ADD and I get so overwhelmed by choices. I love following a rotation to one: keep from over training/under training and two: to have something to plan for the month and then do something different the next month for variety.

I'll peruse (wow I used a word I'd never say in real life)
the Cathe rotation list and see what I can adapt.

Maybe the fat loss rotations will have enough cardio to sub in.

Thanks again.
Colleen - Take a look at the November 05 rotation. It's located under the "Video/DVD Rotations" section, titled "Index to Cathe Rotations". Just scroll through the first few posts and there will be an update with the Aug - Dec 05 rotations. It has a long run once a week and you should be able to modify the rotation to your liking.

I also have tried to ease myself back into running. I pulled my IT band last year and have arthritis in my right knee, so my knees talk back to me alot. I was doing a 30 min walk/jog this month until I got a nasty blister on my toe. I'm taking time off from running until it heals and I can afford new running shoes - the reason why I got the blister in the first place!

Good luck!
Heather. I too had an IT Band problem and took a year and a half off of running to let it heal.
Cathe's step is fantastic but I need to not be dependant on a DVD for my workouts sometimes. I also wasn't getting outside for some vitamin D.
Thanks for the tip. I could'nt figure out how to blend in Cathe weights, step,kick boxing, circuit vs hard core, and running again.
I am building up to running very slowly. I get shin splints very easily.
I also have had arthritis since I was 39. I'm 52 now. Once my meds had gotten me into remission I work out religiously but always with cross training in mind to avoid repetive injuries or trigger a flare up.
Good luck with the blister.
Colleen, as someone who runs 7 miles three to four times a week, I'd be happy to give you a breakdown of my routine. It seems to work well for me. I change it up as the seasons change; more Cathe in the winter when it's cold, more running in the summer. One note -- you need to make sure as you increase your mileage to decrease the number of really high impact Cathe workouts you do on the days you don't run. Your knees will thank you. Good luck.

Sunday -- Heavy weights, lower and upper body (Muscle Max, for example)

Monday -- Run six to seven miles

Tuesday -- Upper body weights, 30-45 minutes on the elliptical

Wednesday -- Run six to seven miles or one of Cathe's higher-impact workouts like Imax 2 or 3

Thursday -- Lower body weights, 30-45 minutes on the elliptical

Friday -- Run six to seven miles

Saturday -- Pot Luck, as I like to call it. Sometimes I run with my three-year-old in the running stroller, sometimes I do the elliptical or something like Low Max, no workout at all if I know I'll be working in my yard or doing another strenuous activity that day
Thanks so much! I do need guideance so I don't over/under train.
I hope after a few months of doing just the 3 miles 3 times a week to build up to your schedule.
You are a fitness angel.
Colleen (Mom to a 9 year old boy so I have to stay fit just to see him graduate from Highschool.:eek: )

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