Designer Whey


Have any of you used Designer Whey protein powder? Do you like it plain (to mix with other things) or flavored?
I have Desinger Why French Vanilla protein powder and at first I hated itx(. I first tried it in skim milk and it tasted yucky. Then wehn I realized I couldn't return it because I threw away the recipt, I kept it and tried it in other drinks. I put a serving in my coffee one mornign, and that was accually pretty good:9. Then another night, I put a serving in my diet soda:9. That was also good. But be careful if you do that. I poured the whole can in a glass, almost to the top, then when I put a serving of the protein poweder, it fizzed up and overflowed:eek: :eek:. Just make sure you don't fill the glass with the diet all the way. That's just my opinion about Desinger Whey. Some other ppl might have others.


I use the French Vanilla too, and really like it. I usually mix it with soy milk and throw in some frozen fruit. Or some natural pb and frozen banana. Yum!
SOunds like that just might be the ticket for me to try, too! I don't care for it mixed with milk - too vanilla-y and, yet, I have a huge container of it, sooooo, here's to trying it! Thanks for the suggestions!
Where can you find this? At the local grocery stores in health section or only at health food stores? Thanks
I haven't seen Designer Whey at grocery stores where I live, but I found it at GNC (General Nutrition Center). They have all kinds of protein bars, proteins and drinks adn wieght loss pills ect. its a great place but can get very pricey}( }(!

Have Fun,

I like the strawberry. I mix one scoop in the blender with cold water and a drop of half and half. I put in ice cubes and it's delicious. To me, the half and half makes all the difference.
I like the chocolate which I will mix in with milk. Or if I feel like a shake I mix it with some milk,peanutbutter and banana and icecubes. YUM

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