I know I haven't posted in ages, but I saw you post and wanted to reply. I currently work as a teacher. Andy is 4 years, and Aidan is almost 8 months. The worst feeling was the anxiety I felt (with both) "before" going back to work. I would cry, etc. But, I was fine when I actually went back to work. If you have to go back, you and your daughter will be fine. You will find yourself back into a routine, and like Steph said, you will spend quality time with her in the evenings/mornings/etc. My older son actually asks to go to daycare when we are home because they do so many cool things there. Please don't beat yourself up over this. You do what you have to do. There was some great advice given (like try it for a little bit and see if it works). That way you will have more time to sort things out and see if you can stay home.
Another thing to DH and split parenting. He is every much as involved in our children's lives as I am. We also split the chores (he cooks/mows lawn/cleans the kitchen and I do laundry, mop floors, vacuum and clean the bathrooms, etc.). O.k., my list is a little longer, but you get the picture. That helps a lot!
Good luck-keep us posted!