depression and omega 3 fish oils


Omega 3 fish oils have proven to reduce depression and it's symptoms. If you go to and search under depression and omega 3 fish oils there are numerous articles, studies, testimonials, etc. about the topic. My DH and I are both taking it daily, and it's also good for heart health. I don't usually post, and almost didn't post this, but thought it might help someone, as it had us.
Wow...thanks for sharing that info. I've taken Omega 3 fish oil for about 5 years. Have never had severe depression, but it has been discussed under "The Mature Women, etc. thread". I'll go check out Google...:)...Carole
I take fish oils too.
I always take them at night cause they seem to make me burp, Yuck! It has really helped with my dry skin.

Anyway, I read once that in Iceland and Greenland that only a small percent of the population has depression, some of lowest rates in the world. Studies linked this to the populations high consumption of cold water fish, which are high in omega 3.
I recently read how the native Americans in Alaska are having terrible problems with depression and suicide rates are higher than ever. The speculation is that it may have to do with their traditions fading away. The main one being eating lots of Salmon and other fish. The article said the healthy fats are even more important to populations in areas with less daylight.

Sorry to ramble.
Thanks for posting Lynn!

If you don't want to eat (or burp) fish, the same oils are found in flaxseed oil and walnuts. To a lesser degree in pumpkin seeds.
If you do supplement, you want pharamceutical grade fish oil. The standard being Seven Seas or Ocean Gold Fish Oils, which I am not finding available in the U.S. I am going to check out local health food stores!

I have never tried canned Salmon. How do you use it, Nancy? I prepared Trout last night and it was wonderful! I got it at Wild Oats. I had frozen it and I just read in Real Simple magazine that a great way to thaw frozen fish to prevent fishiness is to do so in milk. Trout is milder than salmon and has less Omega-3's but it was very nice! Bobbi
recipes look good too

Nancy, thanks for the link. The site has a lot of recipes for canned salmon which look good.

DH is lactose intolerant & mending a broken leg. Plus I'm on medication that is incompatible with dairy, so I'm trying to get calcium rich canned salmon in our diet. Plus I'm avoiding farmed salmon & the fresh wild salmon is a budget buster. Whew, a long winded thank you!

>If you don't want to eat (or burp) fish, the same oils are
>found in flaxseed oil and walnuts. To a lesser degree in
>pumpkin seeds.

I'll try the walnuts! Flaxseed oil tastes just like fish/sardines to me. I tried to add a little bit to my protein shake. It made me gag! Ick! I threw out the whole bottle.

I do like salmon and orange roughy though.
>I have never tried canned Salmon. How do you use it, Nancy?
>I prepared Trout last night and it was wonderful! I got it at
>Wild Oats. I had frozen it and I just read in Real Simple
>magazine that a great way to thaw frozen fish to prevent
>fishiness is to do so in milk. Trout is milder than salmon
>and has less Omega-3's but it was very nice!

Here's a recipe for salmon patties. They're pretty good!

here's a quick way.

Chill the can in the fridge, use fresh wholemeal bread, make a salmon sandwich with sprinkling of pepper on top and slices of cucumber. This is my fave sandwich. Very tasty and refreshing.....


Edited to add:
I have been taking fish oils for about a year now, and they have not helped alleviate symptoms of depression or anxiety. Not in my case anyway. Sorry. But everything is worth trying because we are all different, and if you can avoid antidepressant medication for mild depression, go for it.
RE: recipes look good too

Debra is right. I didn't even notice the recipes, but there are lots of them and they sound great! Clare's sandwich sounds yummy too. Dr. Weil (my guru, I guess) says the more canned salmon you eat, the better.
RE: recipes look good too

Yes, Nancy and it's wild salmon! Excellent! And thank you Danielle for the recipe! I have decided to prepare special food for myself whether my family wants to eat healthily or not!

I think this is rather funny. My oldest daughter has been flirting with vegetarianism which is fine by me. She cut out red meat so I have been preparing veggies burgers and alternatives for her. She has a friend who's been a vegetarian for a while and it was her influence that prompted Ali to stop eating beef. This young lady, Kayla was over one night when I was making burgers and politely declined which was I realized whe was a vegetarian. She told me her mother always told her to never be a pain about it but would I mind if she passed and of course, I didn't mind because I have a stockpile of veggie foods. So, Ali went to dinner at Kayla's a few nights ago and they prepared a medium rare hamburger, minus the bun because they have gone Atkins and given up the vegetarian lifestyle perhaps because the high protein is dificult to do vegetarian style.

She ate it! I could not believe it! I have been buying all natural, hormone and antibiotic free, free range, humanely raised beef and she refuses to eat it but did not politley decline at Kayla's! What's up with that?:) Bobbi

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