Dental Veneers

I have my two front teeth crowned which is close - but my sister got 8 of her front teeth veneered several years ago and still believes it was the best money she ever spent. She had straight teeth - but had some gaps and chips - now they are straight, white and beautiful!! She used to cover her mouth when she smiled - even though she had nothing to hide really - now she smiles all the time. Nothing like a nice set of teeth!!!
I had mine done about 5 years ago. Although I paid cash for them, it WAS some of the best money I've ever spent. I had six uppers done and they look fantastic. Never have had a problem with them :)
So happy you posted this!!
I have been looking into porclein veneers and invasalign. (sorry if my spelling is bad!)
I'm just not sure which is better. I think a consultation is needed.

Has anyone done invasalign??

Those that have had veneers, I can't find any answers for this on the internet, but Do they stain?? I'm a coffee and tea drinker.


Hi Alicia,
I work in a dental office so I can tell you that you should get a consultation. There are pro's to both. I'm an invisalign wearer and again with that there are pro's and con's to it. Any good dentist will do what is best for the patient and not for his pocket book so make absolutely sure that you get more than one quote and consultation. The cost can vary tremendously and the type of veneer (think name brand) can affect the results, .. there are some that chip faster than others. Invisalign is great if you are disciplined. You wear the aligners for as long as the Dr. recommends but you have to brush your teeth after every meal and drink (that is not water), . . not always convienent when you're a big coffe drinker like me. The plus to invisalign is that it is non invasive, with veneers the natural tooth is "shaved" down and a thin layer of porcelain is placed on top. If your tooth structure is good, .. in other words no terrible staining or chips then Invisalign may be the way to go. It is more natural and what I love the most is that I use my trays as bleaching trays at night, . . again another plus since I'm a coffee drinker. Veneers are quick, expensive, . . typically $1,000 a tooth and agressive, you have to come in for more than one visit and they are LONG . . .but they are strong, durable, do not need bleaching and look great. However when they prep your tooth boy oh boy do they prep your tooth a lot of the natural tooth structure is shaved down to make way for the veneer. This is necessary as the veneers that you see that advertise "press on" like press on nails look unatural and bulky. Invisalign can run about $3000-$5500 depending on the severity of movement needed for your teeth. What I hate about invisalign is the dicipline. You take them out for every meal, . . try not to loose them, . . then you have to brush your teeth before you put them back on. I'm literally brushing 5-6 times a day. Sure my hygine is great but like I said it is not always convienent and the movement is slow and painful, .. heck your moving teeth it's gonna hurt no matter what anyone says. I hope this helps and I'll be happy to hear which option you choose.

Thank you so much for all the info!! I can't tell you how much it is appreciated. You've given me the info and insite I've been searching for!!!:)
I will be making a consultation appointment, hoping to get in soon.

I think I'm leaning towards Invisalign....but, I'd be interested to see how the consultation goes. My teeth are in pretty good condition and I'm already a regular flosser and brusher...but, I will definately have to do more if I go that route.

One more question for you....From my search online, I noticed some Dentists only do Invisalign and some only do other cosmetic procedures (crowns, veneers, etc.) and a few that do both. Do some doctors just specialize in one or is it ok to go to one that handles both?

Thank you for letting me pick your brain!! You've been extremely helpful!!!!!!!!


Sounds like you got the info you needed. Just had to warn everyone about the Lumineers veneers!!x(
I had them done, and they kept chipping and falling off, I would bite into something and half my veneer would fall off, needless to say, it was very distressing!! I ditched this dentist, and the Lumineers.

I finally bit the bullet and had my whole mouth done, it took 2 visits and my dentist used the good quality, more expensive yes, but so worth it.My teeth are natural looking and very straight now. Yeah!! And they are not super duper white, very natural looking.
Yeah, tneah. The doc I work for refuses to do the lumineers. Lumineers are the "press on nail" version of veneers. The boast is that the natural tooth requires little to NO prep so the natural tooth is preserved. I hope that you didn't have to pay for those lumineers, . . . I'd be mad.
To answer Alicia's question, . . . any general practice dentist can do invisalign, . . but and this is a big BUT they must be invisalign certified. A really good indication if your Doc is good is to ask yourself, . .or more so ask him, . ."How many invisalign cases have you done?" I would go with someone who has done more than 100. That is a high expectation but it shows that the Doc has had practice. Second I would ask to see actual patient before and afters. Invisalign works well, . . .but is NOT for everyone. Again, . .make sure that you're dentist is doing what is in your best interest not his pocket book. The difference between a dentist and an orthodontist, . . an orthodontist is specialized and therefore costs significantly more. Does that mean that they are better, . . not necessarily. I would recommend going to an othodontist for a free consultation and then going to a few general practice dentists. That way you can compare the diagnosis. Call first ask the receptionist how many cases has the doc done and if he has before and afters. I've seen some patients where invisalign does not work , . . . and in those cases the reasons were due to non compliance, . . basically not wearing their trays enough. It takes a lot and I mean A LOT of discipline!!! I even sometimes wish I had metal braces, .. but boy are these clear ones convienent. To end this I think that a beautiful NATURAL smile is well worth the investment. Glad to hear that Tneah opted for a natural shade of white. Oh and lastly never go to a dentist that does not guarantee his work. If you do get veneers, . . as strong as they may be they do chip and sometimes after many, many, years may even need to be replaced, in rare situations, . . go to a dentist that is willing to listen to your concerns and guarantee his work in writing!! Good luck
Thanks so much!!!
You've been extremely informative. And thank you for your advise, I greatly appreciate it! It's been SO HELPFUL!! I just really want to make sure I do all my homework first and educate myself as much as possible.

I'll let you know which I decide on after the consultations. I agree - nothing beats a nice smile :)

Thank you once again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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