Def.Rotation Check 4th week


Or should we say LAST week!
Goodmorning everyone,
I know that we are not offical finished the 3rd week, but I think with the rest days last week, week3-4 have just blended together.We don't have another rest day until Thursday.I am happy to see that the last day is strong legs and abs.I was thinking that my next rotation could consist of the PS series.I did that series before in a rotation and I got awesome results.
I had more rest days then I would have liked this week.I only worked out 3 times:-( Wed,Thurs&Sat.Going away last weekend really put me behind with alot of things.
I am not sure if I am going to do Bootcamp today b/c I did parts of it yesterday.I may do S,J&P instead.This week I am going to workout before my breakfast(i don't know if that would make any differnce)but I don't have any early mornings so its possible.
As anyone thought about what they are going to do next? I liked this rotation b/c it had such a variety of different workouts.When I use to workout before I just use to do what I felt like doing.And I can honestly say that I didn't screw my nose up at any of the workouts that were listed.
I also didn't get around to doing PLB this week.Can you believe that my legs are still sore from my run on thursday night.I have never felt this sore in my legs before.When I have done videos its been mostly in my hamsrings and glutes, this soreness is in the front of my quad.
Would anyone be interested in comming up with a rotation for the next 4 weeks.We can do it together or we can take one of cathes rotations and change it a bit.I like checking in.I probably wouldn't of stuck with it so well if it wasn't for the check-in.We could take this week and scome up with something and then we can jump right in Monday morning...anyone interested?:7
Have a good day everyone,
Good Morning! Happy 4th week to everyone! Thanks Lori, for starting us off this week!

I was up this AM and did Bootcamp! We have a week full of great workouts ahead. Lori, I agree with you about how following this rotation has really helped keep me on track with working out. Checking in with you all made me feel accountable, ya know? It really helped. I would love to do another rotation with you all! :)

I was hoping that the BB DVD's would be on their way by the time we finished this up, because I bet Cathe would put out a rotaion using those for December. Oh well. I am sure she will still put out a new rotation this week, so we can see what she does. My goals will be to still continue to lose weight and fat. What would be a good rotation for that? This week, I will look at the different rotations Cathe has written since last Spring get some ideas! I am excited to keep it going!

Step Works for tomorrow. I have that DVD, but have never done that workout. I hope the choreography isn't too hard! :eek:

I'll check in later!
T'is I again.
I had a good workout today.I did S,J&P, I was thinking that there were 5 hi-lo sections, but there was only 4, so I got a little surprise when we went into ab work.It was a good surprise though.
We could wait and see if Cathe puts out anything this week.Or we could do something else.Whatever everyone else wants to do.
I am going to limit my carbs after 4 0'clock this week and see what happens.Cut back on my sweet tooth as well.I can tell by just 1 week if something is going to work for me. My goals are still to lose fat and gain definition...alot of the timesI think that losing fat comes from watching what goes in our mouthes and the cardio just helps it out abit.
Chat to you later,
Good morning gang:

Whew! I made it through the birthday party without too many scratches! ;-)

This is a big week, girls - Thanksgiving. Everybody ready to take on that challenge? I really think I am! I've been gearing up for it for the past two weeks going over things to do to avoid overeating, etc. I really think I'm ready - bring on the pumpkin pie! :)

I did good this weekend with eating so tomorrow's WI will be interesting! :)

Talk more later....

Oh, I think we should wait and see what Cathe has in store for us for a December rotation and maybe do that one. Otherwise, everybody be thinking and see what you can come up with.

Marcia. :)
Happy Monday gals! :)

I was up early and did Step Works. This was my first time doing it, but I did OK. The third step section was tricky for me though! I have a lot of work to do on thaat one. Marcia, good plan on waiting to see what Cathe comes up. Sounds good to me. I am sure you will be pleased at weigh in tomorrow! Boy...did we ever get a TON of snow up here in South St. Paul. (not as much as up north though) How about down where you are???

Imax for tomorrow! If anyone is interested, I have a great low point pumpkin pie recipe that is 1 point per slice. 8 pts for thw entire pie! If you want it, let me know! Have a great day!
Hey Becca - You are so lucky! We barely had enough snow to cover the ground, but it sure got cold and windy. How many inches did you get? I was actually hoping we'd get some ;-) go figure!

I'm very interested in your pumpkin pie recipe, please post that for me. :) Thanks.

Cheers, Marcia :)
Good Morning Ladies!

I didn't workout all weekend! I listened to my body and rested yesterday though I do feel a little guilty. :-( But I will workout nonstop until Saturday. Today is Bootcamp for me.

Oh Becca, sometimes I wish we would get some snow down here. It got really cold this morning and that is about it. Also that pumpkin pie recipe sounds delish I would love the recipe for it.

I can't wait to see what Cathe has in store for us as the December Rotation. I have really enjoyed checking in with you gals. It gives me motivation.

Good luck on your weigh in Marcia!

Have a great day!

Hi again! We got @ 7 inches of snow! The plows were out in full force this AM! I had to pack my 1st grader up this AM in all the Snow gear (boots, snowpants, etc..) That adds some time to the AM ritual. Winter is here early!

The Pumpkin Pie recipe is as follows...I make this fairly often throughout the fall and winter and have it as a snack. Its also great on Thanksgiving day too! :)

Crustless Pumpkin Pie
1 can pumpkin (15 oz)
1 can evaporated skim milk (12 oz, the carnation kind...Unsweetened)
3 egg whites
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp vanilla
2/3 C. Splenda

Combine all ingrediants and beat until smooth.

Pour into a 9" sprayed pie pan

Beake at 400 for 15 minutes, and then at 325 for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Serves 8
Whole Pie=8 points (or ONE point for 1/8 pie)
*I always add a big spoonful of Lite Cool whip to mine, and it makes all the difference. This is pretty darn good for 1 point per piece. I often will eat a big chunk of the pie at once. All the fiber fills me up. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

Hello ladies,
Hows everyone do'in? I haven't worked out yet today.I had training to go to at 10 so that took up my morning.Then I wanted to eat lunch, I am waiting for that to settle and then I will get down to business.
I am glad our Thanksgiving is over.Canadian here.All I really have to worry about now is christmas parties when Dec gets here.I can't beleive that Nov is almost gone.
Good luck with the weigh in tonight Marcia.I am really motivated to start cleaning up my diet.I am excited that I am actually motivavted.Hmmmmm, I was actually starting to wonder...whats motivation? I am not really in the mood to do Step Works though.With all these new videos around it is hard to listen to the older music.I sort of want to go for a run but would you beleive that my legs are still a little sore.
Hope everyone is having a good to you soon,
Its me again.I am back after a 2 hr workout.I ended up doing Step Works.Its amazing how we can remember these wotkouts so well.I haven't done that workout in ages but I remembered every move and I knew what was comming up next.I also did Supersets b/c I noticed that there isn't any weight work until Wed and I didn't do much last week so I figured I had time..why not?
Marcia: i was thinking about you while I was working out.Last week you were so disappointed about the weight you had gained, but the last 3 weeks have been filled with alot of weight work and cardio.Do you supose that your gain may have been your muscles retaining water? Or even you retaining water? Never know,you may have put on a pound of muscle..anything is possible.Just a thought.
I must go get some dinner and get to work..
Hi Lori:

Thanks for thinking of me.... :)

That's an idea I didn't think of. I guess it could've been muscle or retaining water?!?! :)

The test will be tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed.

I'm doing Supersets tonight, too.

Good Morning Gals,
Imax2 today....anyone got the energy for it.I did Supersets yesterday and I have to say, I am not that sore.In my opnion I think that supersets is not as tough as some of her other stuff.It is a great workout, and awesome music but it doesn't get me sore.Maybe I should try using heavier weights.
I work this afternoon for 5 hours so I am working out in the a.m and I may get to workout again after dinner.
I think I would like to incorporate more upper body weight work.Sort of like Tank Top Rotations.I got good results with that one. I could concentrate on upper body and wear something sleeveless on News Years Eve!Now there is an idea!My mind is working a mile a minute today.
I did good with my eating yesterday.I started writing everything down again.I am going to try and get around 1200cals in.Which is quite managable when I don't pick at food between my meals.I wasn't hungry at all yesterday but I have some bad habits.As soon as I finshed supersets I thought about getting a cookie.}( Was I hungry...NO.Did I crave sweets...NO! I got to get control.But I can remember when I started doing weird things like that, and I thought, I can do it...until I notice that I am gaining weight.It seems like I got up one morning...and "BOOM" there it was..and extra 7 lbs.
Anyhoo, enough about me.How is everyone else? Gotta go sweat some fat off:7
Hi Everyone! Although I checked our thread a couple of times yesterday, I was in such a hurry, I wasn't able to respond! I have switched Tues and Wed around for this week. Yesterday I did Power Hour and today I will do Imax 1 as my pies are baking! :) This shouldn't make a difference should it? I hope not!

I have gotten into the habit of exercising first thing in the AM when I get up and yesterday and today, I wasn't able to do that. It sure makes a difference when I don't! I feel so much better throughout my day. I have to keep telling myself its OK and to make sure I get the exercise in at some point and I'll be OK. Its just a dumb head game I play with myself.

Marcia, how was weigh in? I was thinking of you! I'll check in later, after I do Imax! :)
HI Ladies,
I didn't do Imax yesterday.I went to do it and realized that I had to be somewhere in 90min. I did 6 sections of bootcamp with the intentions of doing Imax later.But I didn't, so now I have to do PH and Imax.
Becca-I know what you mean about working out first thing in the morning.I got into it last year this time.The only thing I found was that I didn't workout as hard as I would of if it were in the evening.Then I started a new job where somedays I had to be at work by 6:30, so that went out the window.But I felt awesome all day when I got up early and worked out, I also found that I was hungrier to,which wasn't great.
Marcia:How was that weigh in???? Do tell:)
I have been writing in my food journal and it is amazing that I thought I was eating pretty good.(And I probably am considering the treats I use to eat before)But I circled all of the things I didn't need to eat yesterday and it was still eye popping.I wasted a good 400cals on junk.Anyway,just gives me some good insight on the matter.Now I will know for today.
Hope everyone has a good day!!
Good Morning Everyone!

Last night was Step Works for me. I am running a day late. Since I took my rest day on Sunday instead of Wednesday, today I'll have to do IMAX in order to catch up.

My eating has been so so, I don't know about today. We are having a potluck at work with lots of goodies! Maybe I should start a food journal also. Something to think about.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Will check in tomorrow.

Hi ladies,
I did what I said I was gonna do.I did Imax2 and then PH.It was a great workout.My eating as been pretty good today.I had a couple of rice krispie squares...thats not to bad.If I took sweets out of my diet all together, I would just end up having a melt down and over eating.My mom came by when I was doing PH.She looked at me like there was something wrong with me and then she said that looks easy.I said..yeah,grab a weight, then she took off.:)
Everyone seems to be calming down with the post.Where is Marcia with her news?
Where are all you people? When is Thanksgiving in the States? Is that why everyone has disappeared? ;( I didn't neglect you guys when I had my Thanksgiving;-) Just joking, I know everyone is really busy this time of year.
I know we were suppose to take today off but I didn't.I had all morning to myself and I was getting lazy just sitting around the house.With that said...I wasn't in the mood to workout either.
I convinced myself to do All Step and I did some of the shoulder work from it as well.I did some abs also.
It is a beautiful day here.The last two days have been more like spring then winter.I am hoping that we will get some snow soon.I just want it for Christmas and then it can go again.
Anyway, I hope I hear from someone soon.We only have 4 days to go.You can't back out now!:)
Hi Lori and everyone! Lori, you guessed it...Thanksgiving is today (Thursday) so that has to be why its so quiet around here! I am with you girl...we can't back out now...we are so close. Yesterday I did Imax because I switched my Wed and Tues around. I didn't do it first thing in the AM, and it made a difference. I put the workout off all day and didn't do it until supper time. I have to keep up that habit of AM exercise. PUB tomorrow right? Then Imax2 and PS legs. Do you think Cathe will post a new rotation? Any ideas on what we should do if she doesn't?

I hope you get some snow up there in Canada! I'll try to check in later while I am at my parents house! :)
Hi Ladies,
I haven't worked out yet today and I may not get a chance to.I have to work at both places today but then I am off for 3 days!:) I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO going to sleep in tomorrow morning.If I don't get to workout today I don't mind doing it all tomorrow.We will see.
We are almost at the finish line.Good go'in ladies
Hi! Everyone must be pretty busy! Have you all gotten your workouts in? Thursday was an off day for me. Yesterday (Fri) I was supposed to do PUB but it didn't happen! This AM I got up and did Imax 2. I will make up PUB this afternoon. I did go to ww and weigh in this AM. Since Halloween and starting this rotation I have lost three lbs. SO I am looking at that as success and a great start to getting off the last 10 lbs. I am going to search around and look for a rotation to start for Monday. Tomorrow is Pure strength leg workout, which I have never done before. I hope everyone is doing well!:)

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