Def. Roataion week3


Hi Ladies! Long time no check in! I know Lori said she would be gone until tomorrow, so I thought I would start us off for the week! (I hope thats OK Lori)

MIC was on the schedule for today! I made it through the whole thing. That is some intense workout, but I felt great after I finished. I am actually looking forward to tomorrows workout because it is Cardio and Weights, which I haven't done in a LONG time. Whats on all of your workout schedules?

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to get started on our 3rd week of "fat loss and definition" Yay!!!:)

Hi Everyone!

My workout for today is also MIC. I still don't know if I am going to do all of it though. That's a tough one. I did Power Hour yesterday and thought it was easier than MIS.

Becca, can you imagine? We are already on our 3rd week of the rotation. Have you seen a difference? I have, slowly but surely.

Hi Lily! I took MIC in seperate parts. I first did the step portion and then the Hi/Lo later on. I did Power Hour yesterday as well and I too thought it was easier than MIS. I just like how it moves better and the music. I think I am starting to see a little difference, even though I have only lost one pound. My hope is that this rotaion will break me through a plateau I have been at for awhile to lose these last 10 lbs. So far so good. Are you doing Cardio and Weights tomoorw? Good luck with the rest of MIC! :)
Hi Becca

I'll be doing Cardio and Weights tomorrow. I did this one before but a long time ago. Does this one use the stability ball? I am dying to use my new stability ball. As for MIC, I think I'll just do the hi-lo portion today and the step portion on my "day off" Wednesday!

Hi Becca, Lily and gang:

I was swamped at work today so I couldn't check in this afternoon, but I'm here now. :)

I had to change things around this week a little bit and schedule my rest days on the days I have to work at my second job and around my son's birthday party. So today I did Bootcamp - MAN I love that workout. The first few times I did it I really didn't like it much, but after today when I put my heart and soul into it, I was just a sweatin' and pumping my way through it.

I have weigh-in tomorrow and I'm not too sure how that will go. We went out for supper with friends of ours on Saturday and kind of 'whooped it up' a bit, so my eating was pretty weird yesterday.

Becca: I was wondering - did you ever have that feeling at WW like you were wasting their time? I have lately because I've been on this plateau for a year and a half and I just get the feeling that they look at me coming in and say "here she comes again, but no improvement", ya know?!?!?! Did you ever have that feeling? I've decided not to stay for the meetings for a while and see if maybe taking a break from that will be good. I will still go and weigh in, though.

Anyway whew.....this is getting longer than I thought. ;)

Talk more later and have a wonderful evening.

Marcia :)
Good morning, gang:

I have my weigh-in tonight, keep your fingers crossed. I feel good about this one, but you know......that's not necessarily a good sign. :7 Whenever I 'think' I did good I end up gaining and vice versa - so I'm trying not to get too caught up in it. :)

Have a great day everybody and I'll be back later.

Good morning everyone!

I got up early and did Cardio and Weights. It was a good workout, and even more intense than I remembered. Lily...The stability ball isn't used in this workout, but...good news...tomorrow we have Pyramid Lower Body and that workout DOES use the ball. :) Good luck with your workout.

Marcia, good luck tonight at weigh in. Rmember, you were down last week and chances are you will be again this week. I know what you mean about feeling like you are wasting their time. For the 10 pounds I set out to lose when I joined, it took me 7 months, whereas some women who had more to lose had lost 10 pounds within two weeks! I ended up setting my goal weight for ww at 10 lbs above what I really wanted to be at, because I wasn't losing at all and I was within their recommended weight range. It also saved me the $$$ every week. Are you paying this fee? If you are, noone should make you feel like your "wasting their time" I think its fine if you skip the meetings. When I go weigh in once a month, I don't usually stay for those either. I hope I am making sense here. Hang in there! :)

Let us know how you do! Have great workouts everyone!
Good Morning Ladies!

Well I was only able to do the hi-lo section of MIC. I'll keep working up to that one. But I can't wait for Cardio and Weights this afternoon! I love intensity, Becca! I think I am getting addicted. I'm seeing results and I want more! One thing I have to improve on is my clean eating. (It's not clean at all!)LOL

Marcia, good luck on your weigh in. I'm sure everything will turn out positive. Let us know.

Have a great day everyone!;-)

Hi Ladies,
How;s everything go'in? I am so sleepy today.I think I must have jetleg,is that how you spell it? When I got home last night I couldn't sleep.Then I had to get up at 6:30 to work.I was exhausted and could of slept forever.But I caught up a little this afternoon when I took a nap.
I didn't get to workout while I was gone.Walking around the mall if that counts?:) I got a few more christmas gifts.My eating wasn't to bad considering that I was away from home.I really need to buckle down now before christmas.I almost feel like I should try and follow something or should I just cut back and eat healthy?
I haven't got a chance to workout yet today.My plan is to workout after dinner.I must go get some coffee and start cleaning my house...
Talk to you soon,
TOTAL DEPRESSION HAS SET IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gained 2.4 pounds tonight at weigh-in. UGH! I'm losing it, I was SURE that I was going to lose tonight. I mean I felt good all over and BOY was I surprised and completely disappointed! I know, if I felt good than that's part of the battle, too. YES! I agree BUT I've been working so darn hard to lose this last 15 pounds that I'm going to scream. A year and a half long plateau is too long for me.

So, now having said all of that I need to erase it from my head and continue onward. (as hard as that is not to completely eat EVERYTHING in sight :) )

I've decided for this week to continue on this def. rotation (of course) and eat strictly egg beaters and fruit for breakfast; salad for lunch and lean meat and veggies for supper. Try and stay away from bad carbs and drink lots of water. Maybe that will be the kicker that I need to get my loss going. I NEED SOMETHING!!!

Take care everybody and I'll be back tomorrow! :) Marcia.
Hi Everyone,
Oh marcia- you will be o.k. Its always disappointing when you have worked so hard to lose and then it doesn't make one difference.I decided last night that from here...right till christmas I am going to be an EXTREMELY good girl.I am not cheating until a christmas party I have 3 1/2 weeks from now.I really want to lose alittle for christmas, and if I stick to it, I should have no problem.
I didn't workout yesterday.When I got up from my nap, I cleaned my house, did 4 loads of laundry, cooked dinner, and then I was tired again.I am waiting for my hubby to come back with my coffee, then I am going to do C&W and PLB.That will make up for that, and I will do Mondays workout on Thursday.
Hope everyone as a good day...
hi everyone! Well, this AM I did PUB, except I left out the leg presses for now. I am just not comfortable doing them with a barbell on my shoulders like Cathe does them. I think later in the day I will take 10 minutes and do them with no weight, or low lb dumbbells. Tomorrow she has scheduled a rest day! Yeah!

Marcia, i am so sorry about weigh in. I know exactly how you feel and I emphasize with you. Just keep on plugging away. COuld it be PMS time and maybe you are retaining water? That happens to me every three 1/2 weeks like clockwork. Keep up the GREAT work! :)

Lori, great goal for the clean eating till Christmas. I'll have to join you on that one! :)

Have a great day and I will check in later!
Morning to all!

Marcia, I know you will beat this plateau as soon as we receive the new BB series. That is what you probably need to shake your body up! A brand new rotation!

Last night I did my Cardio and Weights. Whew! One tough workout, but fun! Today is a rest day for me. I will probably just do some ab work tonight. Becca, I am anxious to try PUB tomorrow. Everyone of Cathe's workouts have been great! I have not been disappointed.

Have a happy day everyone!:)

Hi gang:

I'm headed out for a run here shortly - can't wait, it's in the mid-50's (perfect for me) and I have a lot of built up stress and depressed feeling about last night's weigh-in to BURN OFF!!!! :)

I've eaten really good so far today. I did have some caramel corn, but I will count that in my food journal.

Have a good afternoon and evening. Marcia.

I just finished a 35 minute run and 20 minutes of only cardio of Cardio and Weights.

We are going out to eat tonight for my son's birthday, but I'm going to stay strict with my idea of lean protein and salads this week. So, it's salad bar for me and maybe a piece of grilled chicken. I'm going to prove that WW scale WRONG next week, that's for sure.

Hi Ladies,
I am so sleepy today.I haven't went to bed early at all this week and it is starting to catch up with me.
I also haven't worked out yet today.I am working at both jobs today so it will depend on how much energy I have tonight.
I just bought the FitnessRx mag and there is a diet in there that sounds pretty interesting.It means that I would have to go and get groceries though.And I am not in the mood:eek: It is a weeks menu which sounds realistic(nothing to complicated)and good.I hate when a diet calls for a pile of "stuff" that you have never heard of before.I have to read up on it a bit more.
I may catch up on my working out this weekend.I have been pretty slack all week.My trip last weekend put me behind with everything else that I have to do.My hubby is gone until Sunday so when I am bored, I can just workout.
My ankle was bothering me last week.I am glad that I had a good break b/c its not sore anymore.
Hope everyone is having a good day.I can't wait to close my eyes tonight!:7
hi Everyone!

Rest day for me! Tomorrow is Circuit Max. How about the rest of you? Marcia, you have a GREAT attitude. Have fun with dinner out. Lori, Take it easy and get some rest!

I hope you all have a good night! :)
Hey Becca!

Today is Pyramid Lower Body for the first time. Wish me luck. (I'll let you know how sore I am tormorrow).

Hi Gals,
Well, somewhere in the last 12hrs I got my second wind.I went back to work after dinner and I felt great.I wasn't tired or dragged out anymore.The girl I run with stopped by to see if I wanted to go for a run and I felt up to it! I just got back from a 14km run and I feel alot better then I have all day.I took my dog and wore him out as well.He will be asleep until tomorrow this time..he's such a baby:)
Sometimes exercise gives you more energy and I don't want anymore today.I think I will forget about watching friends and will & grace, I will get a bath,call my hubby(he is away), go to bed and read some of my FirnessRx mag.I plan on getting up early tomorrow morning and catching up on PLB.
Talk to you tomorrow.
My Goodness ladies...we aren't as chatty as we were the first 2 weeks.Is the rotation making everyone sleepy?:)
I did what I said I was going to do last night and I fell asleep around 11:30 and got up at 7.Thats not to bad.I have to work at 6:30 tomorrow morning so I will be hitting the sack early again tonight.But when I get off tomorrow morning at 6:30, I am off until Monday night.I can get some great workouts in there.
My legs are so sore from last nights run.I was going to do PLB tonight but I don't know if I can.I lent my circuit max video out to a friend, and i don't want to ask for it b/c she load me her pilate videos, which I let out to the lady I run with.(make sense?)So I am afraid that if I ask for CM back then she will want her videos back and I don't have them.Wouldn't be much work to getting them back just the same.She only lives behind me.
What other workout could I do in place of CM? I may try and get it back though.It as been at least a year since I did it and it would be like doing a new videos.
Anyway,must go back to work...

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