Def. Roataion week3

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I got up and sis Circuit Max this AM. I feel I got a great workout in! Lily, how do you like using the stability ball? I always have a hard time doing the first exercise Cathe does on the stability ball in PLB, the one where she works the hamstrings. Its easier for me if I use a chair or hight step instead of the ball...just on that exercise though. I do like using it (it just takes up so much storage space!)

Lori, bummer about Circuit Max. I just did that one this AM and love it. Maybe you could replace Cardio and Weights, since that is a similar circuit style workout. Just a thought.

Have a great day everyone!
TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy it's Friday. I have to bartend tonight and all day Sunday. My son's birthday party is Saturday and the 4 kids are staying overnight, too. BUSY WEEKEND! So, I probably won't be checking too often, so I hope you all have a great weekend. I have changed my workout schedule to have today off and Sunday so incase I didn't get a workout in with my working I wouldn't feel too guilty. I will have to do something tomorrow, though......

Talk more later. :)
Good morning everyone!

I did Pyramid Lower Body last night. Yikes! I really loved the stability ball workout. Becca, my butt is on fire right now! It was so much fun. (I keep my ball on top of my son's bunk bed) Tonight will be Circuit Max. I am ready for that one as I've done it before. It is a very good workout, I agree.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi everyone,
Just sitting here with my workout clothes on....still not sure on what video I will be doing.I would like to work my upper body b/c I haven't really done it this week.I really like the fact that I am getting the definition back in my shoulders.
I am not sure what I am doing this weekend.My hubby wants me to drive out to where he is tomorrow but it is a 3hr drive.He as to go to a B-day party out there and he wants me to come alongx( I think I would rather stay home then spend 6hrs in the car this weekend,.....then we have to get someone to come here and take care of the dog.Anyway, I don't think he is going to take no for a answer.
My legs are getting more sore as the day goes by.I am a hurt'in unit.And my biceps are also sore b/c I was holding on to the dog while running.By the way I am talking you would think that I am out of shape....imagine how sore I would be if I were;)
Have a good one...
Hi everyone! I am so glad its the weekend! However, this week will be a challenge as far as the eating part goes, with Thanksgiving dinner coming up! My plan is to stick to the workouts, as I have been doing, and sticking in my points range everyday this week, so on Thursday I can plan on going a little over my points without hindering my weight loss.

Today is another rest day for me. Its hard to believe Cathe wrote two rest days in this week, so close together (Thurs and Sat) but I am just trusting her knowledge and actually taking the rest days. I am also PMSing, during which I tend to get bloated and retain water weight. I have to tell myself, the weight gain I feel isn't real and it WILL pass! Easier said than done!

What are the rest of you doing today!? Have a GOOD one ! :)
Good Morning All!

I have a rest day also and a well deserved one, I might add! Just got out of class and on my way to work! Getting ready for Cathe's Bootcamp tomorrow! Oh Boy!

Hava a good weekend everyone!:)

Hi Ladies,
Hows is everyones day go'in? I didn't workout last night after.While I was posting my message I felt sleepy.I decided to go to bed and see if I could fall asleep and I did.It was only 9! Then I got up at 6.I caught up on some sleep that I needed though.
I just finished doing the Gualant.I haven't done it all in a while, it was a great workout.I wouldn't of done it though if I knew Bootcamp was on the schedule for tommorrow...oh well.:eek: I can remember when I first got BM and I did it EVERYDAY! I can't imagine doing the same video over and over...thats when I got back into working out.
It been raining here all day....really raining I might add.I wouldn't dare drive 3hrs to where my hubby is.I will just stay home,do bootcamp tomorrow morning, go get groceries and wait for him to come home.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend.:)
Hi guys:

I have a few minutes of calmness so I thought I'd check in. My son is having a birthday party sleepover so I have a house of 5 - 7-year olds and WOW are they keeping me hoppin'! :)

I've stayed away from the cake and ice cream so far - YIPPEE :+ But, now they want pizza soon and that will be the BIG TEST! :)

I bartended last night and I do again all day tomorrow so I'm not sure if I can get a workout in, BUT I'll be doing a lot of walking for that so hoping that will count for something.

Take care everybody and have a safe weekend. We are expecting some snow here in MN and I'm actually pretty excited for it.

Crazy in MN, Marcia.

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