December 2010 Rotation, Week of 01/03/11

Hum. Can't think of a clever name for our thread for January. But I did Hiit Pyramid today. Just checking in although it's late.
Really wish we could meet in Hawaii with Terina. Dreaming about warm winds instead of 7 below.
Nite nite.
Wow, Cocob, I must agree...Hawaii right now would be awesome! Let's go!:D

So my legs are still a leetle "tender" from Disc 3. :)

Today was scheduled as a rest day for me but I will probably opt to work out. Tomorrow I start week 2 of STS which means doing disc 1 again. I'll probably do it today so I can sleep in tmrw. ;)
I'd love Hawaii right about now too! :D

Real quick, and I hope I don't repeat myself. I've got myself checking in at a few places and keep losing track of whom I'm telling what! LOL

Today is a rest day. I had to FORCE myself not to workout this morning. But I did do ROdney Yee's Power Yoga and loved it. I'm not a big yoga fan, but this felt really good today.

Did I mention I have a DATE tonight? LOL Well, I do, and it's with a guy I met at my running group. I wanted to keep it informal and casual and his response was, "casual to US is a 7 mile run". :) Anyway, we're meeting up for a quick short meal (Panera) and then hitting the neighboring developments for a walk and chat. ACTIVE first date...I LOVE IT! I'm trying to keep an open mind....I got burned REAL badly in my last relationship so I'm a bit gun-shy.

Anyway.....we have basketball in a bit. Gotta scoot.

edited: OH....forgot to mention I've decided to do STS starting tomorrow. I'm moving the workouts around throughout the week, though, to work around my training schedule (which ALSO starts tomorrow). For instance, I'm doing disc 3 Legs tomorrow and keeping Legs on for Mondays with an easy run. I have a hard working run on Wed and my long runs on Saturday, so this will fit in nicely. usual.
Good Morning Everyone.

I am going to start a new thread for this week. I will just call it January week of 1/9 for now until we come up with a snazzy name! ;)

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