Decaffeinating is horrible

RE: Kelly

Marlene and all:

if you enjoy drinking coffee: then what reason is there to quit?!?!

In all this talk of rotations, S&H "x" times per week, stripping down our bodies , etc, etc, can we also live a little here?

I drink two large lattes per day, iced in Summer and am never going to give it up. I don't want to,and you couldn't pay me enough money to make me do so. I don't drink, don't smoke, am vegetarian and look after my health. But there is such a thing as over-zealousness on the health front!

Coffee helps with the breakdown of carbs and makes energy available for instant use. There is nothing else that gets my head in gear faster and I often drink a large latte right before working out, often with stunning effects for my cardio routines, so... if this is a "vice", then I am happy to claim it as mine. I also often eat a large chocolate bar or whole packet of lemon and ginger creams when watching the complete Sex and the City third season in two nights straight. And I 'aint gonna give that up either!

Personally I think decaffeinated products are as interesting as "fat reduced" cheese or fat free milk. I never compromise on taste. If you are concerned for ill effects on health: just cut back on the quantities: simple as that.

Over and out


You're my kind of gal, Clare!! I totally agree! Thank goodness since I am sitting here wih my 3rd. cup of 1/2 regular & 1/2 decaf. But...I am headed to the basement in about 1/2 hour to get to the healthy part of my day. BTW, what are lemon & ginger cremes? Not so sure I WANT to kmow! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm not a coffee drinker/addict but a Dr Pepper one instead.
I too quit when I found out I was pregnant and stayed off for 6 months after my son was born since I was breastfeeding (still am some) but added dr pepper back into my life. I don't smoke or drink. Chocolate and pastries I enjoy but limit. I'm currently working on cutting back the amount and drinking more water but have no intention of quitting, last time I too had the headaches but couldn't tell about fatigue since I was pregnant. I can't do aspertane in diet drinks, that gives me the headache. Gotta have some fun in life.

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