Dec 31, 2020

Cathe Friedrich

Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday Dec 31st, 2020 at 9:30am EST we’ll be doing “Upper Body Shred” LIVE! This fast paced intense upper body workout will get your muscles pumped up and have you feeling strong enough to push 2020 behind us

PS...there is a small possibility of some technical glitches/delays at the start of tomorrow’s workout. If we experience any and run late we’ll be sure to update you.

Equipment Needed:

A set of 5, 10, 12 & 15 pound handweights (if you’re feeling extra strong have 20’s for back and chest work)

A fitness mat

Sounds great.....was kinda' thinking maybe a Bootcamp, but I equally love upper
Body workouts, maybe even like them more! :)

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